
  1. Quacking ducks

    Yellow duckling with pale/white bill

    I had some ducklings hatch a week ago and I had 1 yellow duckling hatch. For the first 6 days it had a normal colored pale pink bill. Then this afternoon I went to check on them and it’s bill and legs were very pale/white. It died about 30 minutes later. Any idea what happened or why it died...
  2. C

    Has anyone had Serama x Pekin chicks?

    Hiya, so I had a few black serama girls running with a lavender pekin boy, who sadly passed away few weeks ago, i was devastated so I let my broody hen to sit on some eggs, and they have hatched now. They are just addorable :) just wondering if anyone here hatched any of this type of cross...
  3. R

    Duck can’t walk

    Hi! I have a pekin duck that has had a severe niacin deficiency since I got it as a duckling. She’s about three months old. I was giving her duck pellets with brewers yeast and liquid b3. But she’s gotten to the point where she can’t walk. She was flipping onto the back of her feet and getting...
  4. FirstTimeDuckMom

    Help my sick Pekin?

    Hello everyone! I have my first ducks, two Pekins approx. 6-8 weeks. Judging by their voices at this stage, we’re pretty sure they’re a male and a female. The one we think is female is named Ernie and for the past few days she has been acting off. Much less talkative and animated, just stands...
  5. peanutclover

    Duck breathing weirdly

    Hi everyone! I’m a first time duck mom and I have two Pekins around 3-4 weeks old I believe. For the last few days, they will have their mouths slightly open to breathe or sometimes when their mouth is closed I can hear the breathing sounding like a stuffy nose. However, I can’t visibly see any...
  6. peanutclover

    New Member

    Hi, new member here! I just recently bought 2 pekin ducklings and it’s been a long journey of learning about them, especially about the popular niacin predicament that the store failed to mention when they gave me chicken feed for my ducks. I learned this the hard way but I was able to cure my...
  7. peanutclover


  8. E

    Pekin Ducks Suffered Neglect - Looking to help them heal

    I picked up some mature ducks from a large established farm the other day and when I brought them home (they put them right into the carrier for me) found that they have some significant skin issues. I was pretty surprised by the state of them to be honest. They were caked in mud and are missing...
  9. Flutterbudget

    Sudden Pekin Death, Heartbroken

    My partner went to let the ducks out this morning and found my 4 year old female Pekin dead. Her neck is definitely not straight and she’s died with her legs flat out underneath her stomach. Nothing that I can see, one eye is closed the other is open, pupil seems to be dilated. Absolutely...
  10. Quacking ducks

    What’s wrong with my duck?

    I have a 5 year old pekin duck. This morning I picked her up and her belly looked really greenish/blue or even kind of a turquoise color. She does have some issues with her belly… it hangs down and drags on the ground. Any idea what’s wrong with her? Thank you
  11. Duckwo

    Getting 2 pet ducks. Would it be okay to get different ones?

    I am getting 2 ducks as pets. I want to get 2 so one isn’t lonely, but I’ve been debating whether to get 2 Khaki Campbell ducks or 2 Pekin ducks, and was wondering if I could just get 1 of each? I’m not sure if they would get along together, and I’m not sure how to go about researching it
  12. G

    New home for two ducks?

    Looking for a new home for my two female, 8 month old, Perkins. I love them so much, but sadly I am moving and I cannot import them where I’m going. I’m looking for anyone who can help or would like some new ducks. They’re very sweet, very healthy, very wonderful ducks. They lay every day as...
  13. marxrab

    Pekin Duckling Pale Beak And Trouble Walking (Need Advice)

    My husband bought me 2 pekin ducklings from Rural King as a Valentines Day gift and I named them Valentina and Waffles. Valentina is growing exactly as she should but Waffles I'm seeing something I've never experienced. First, her beak is pale. Valentina's is orange but Waffles is pale and kind...
  14. M

    How to look after/feed a sick duck

    Hi everyone, I’ve been a lingerer on these forums since I got my 3 Pekings (2 drakes and a hen) approx 9 months ago (they are under a year old) …today I have just got back from the vets with one of my drakes who seems extremely unwell to the extent I don’t believe he will be getting better but...
  15. J

    Cochin Bantam - Genetic questions

    Hello all! I have a few questions about Cochin bantam and will put here by topic. But let me tell first all the colours I have: - White - Black - Black Mottled - Blue Mottled - Buff Mottled - Gold Partridge - Silver Partridge 1. I have 2 white males at the moment. With which other mutation...
  16. H

    Help with my injured Pekin

    Hello, I’m seeking advice for my female Pekin that was attacked by a bob cat. She was bitten on the neck, there isn’t any deep wounds. She seems to have protected herself well unlike my two that died. I took her a bath a couple of days after the attack, I rinsed the wound with saline, and then...
  17. Launchpad

    Red spots on Pekin duck feet

    Checking my large male Pekin Niles last bought nieces a small scab, didn't look like bumblefoot. Left him in his pen overnight. This morning the scab was hanging off so in went to make a soak. When i finally caught him, he hadv these red spots on both feet, that can be seen on both top and...
  18. D

    are pekins the right fit?

    I am thinking of getting pekins (only females) for both eggs and as pets. Although I have researched online (it seems like half of the sources are just reproductions of Stories), I would like to hear from experienced Pekin owners on some concerns I have: Will the cost of feeding them greatly...
  19. Buttercup725

    What The Heck Is This?

    Dill is 2 weeks old and I just noticed this yellow spot near his tail. He’s eating, drinking, and pooping just fine, and is pretty active and talkative. I’m new to younger ducklings and am lost as to what this could be. Anyone know what this is or could be?
  20. M

    No pooping and extra picking

    Hello fellow chicken lovers :) We have a lovely 8-9 week old silkie (assuming girl) who's acting a bit funny - shes out with her mum and the rest of the flock but we check them all the time for issues and we noticed recently that she lost (or likely picked out) all of the feathers under her...
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