3 week olds are dying

We use FG DE in our coop for years but never a brooder. In the coop, I use an old parmesan cheese dispenser and yes, just sprinkle around the coop only, not the chickens, about once a month keeps the mites/lice away.

We use horse bedding pellets in both coop and brooders. Keeps both dry and odor free. And grit in case they eat any of the sawdust it makes by the water bottle.
I even use those shavings for Quail too...

First few days, I use puppy pads just so chicks (Quail and Chicken) can get oriented/settled, find food/water. After that, I start adding shavings. Have done this for years too.
I do a lot of turkey poults and they can really take to eating bedding, so I used pea pads but mostly like the industrial blue mechanic paper towels sold at auto stores over pads until eating from feeders. They work great for me with Turkeys and Quail but like the pea pads only for duckling's messy little buggers.

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