Aggressive roo


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2023
I have a roo I adore, he's a sweetie most of the time and isn't a huge bully like I've had other roos act like. He took the introduction of new hens quite well once we got rid of the two we didn't know were roosters. But Stella, who was introduced with the other hens, has been singled out and straight up abused by my once darling roo. The older hens were a little mean to her but that's just the pecking order and she's fine with them now. We did have trouble feeling if Stella was a roo or not because she had what looked like the beginning of two sickle feathers but we figured out pretty quickly she was a she when she popped out her first egg. Velma(my roo) hasn't gotten that message apparently. Stella even submission poses for him and he attacks her instead. I have had to separate them for a while now and since Stella healed from her minor wound I've been trying to get them to get along but so far is isn't working. I kept them apart longer and when I put him back in they were fine until he saw precious and he attacked her even though they got along fine before. He's not as aggressive with precious as he is stella but the aggression was still there. Precious has been with Velma since hatchlings and never had issues until today. The only connection the two hens have is they're black. Stella is a little bigger then the other hens but that's because she's a different breed, but even then her(black star) and sativa (Easter egger) are nearly the same size and he doesn't treat sativa the same way.
I really don't want to get rid of my roo, he's my pretty boy and is usually sweet as can be. I've caged him again but inside with the girls this time, see if maybe he's just not used to seeing them anymore. I had to put my flock on the back burner for a little bit to take care of some life stuff so this has taken longer then I thought it would but I just want my flock to get along again.
Unfortunately, I don't know that you can train a roo to be nice/kind to hens. Either he is, or he isn't. You've let this go on for quite some time in the hopes that he'll improve, and it sounds like he's getting worse. IMO it's time for your roo to get a new home and your ladies to have some peace. It's not fair to them to always get beaten up. He's proven that when his favorite victim is absent he'll pick a new victim, so it's not the hens, it's him. This is extremely bad roo behavior. As several seasoned chicken keepers have told me, Always solve for peace in the flock (as a whole), and you'll never be sorry. I've found that to be true. I miss the hens and roos who are no longer with us, but having a peaceful flock is so much better for everyone involved.

So sorry you have to deal with this. My favorite roo turned mean to people around a year old, and I had to rehome him to freezer camp to keep my kids safe. I still miss him from when he was nice. Since then, I don't name roos and view them as pets, at least until they're over a year or two old and have proven they'll be nice to me and the hens.
Unfortunately, I don't know that you can train a roo to be nice/kind to hens. Either he is, or he isn't. You've let this go on for quite some time in the hopes that he'll improve, and it sounds like he's getting worse. IMO it's time for your roo to get a new home and your ladies to have some peace. It's not fair to them to always get beaten up. He's proven that when his favorite victim is absent he'll pick a new victim, so it's not the hens, it's him. This is extremely bad roo behavior. As several seasoned chicken keepers have told me, Always solve for peace in the flock (as a whole), and you'll never be sorry. I've found that to be true. I miss the hens and roos who are no longer with us, but having a peaceful flock is so much better for everyone involved.

So sorry you have to deal with this. My favorite roo turned mean to people around a year old, and I had to rehome him to freezer camp to keep my kids safe. I still miss him from when he was nice. Since then, I don't name roos and view them as pets, at least until they're over a year or two old and have proven they'll be nice to me and the hens.
Thank you, for your advice and honesty. I really appreciate it. I was really hoping to be able to keep him but your right. My flock already has enough to deal with, an aggressive roo shouldn't be one of them. I've had to get rid of five roosters in the year I've had them. (I left it to chance and got four roosters out of ten eggs and bought two silkie roosters by accident 🙃) and while I'd love nothing more then to continue trying to get him to not bully my girls, it's taking way to much time and resources and I don't want to wait until he badly hurts one of my hens to rehome him. I just needed to know if there was anything I could do for him.
I hope you and your flock prosper 😊
Really ugly behavior in the flock just ruins the whole experience. You just cannot wish chickens nice. One needs to solve for peace in the flock. If you want a rooster, ask around at the feed store, 4-H clubs, poultry clubs. No need to feed a rotten one, if you can have a nice one.
Thank you, for your advice and honesty. I really appreciate it. I was really hoping to be able to keep him but your right. My flock already has enough to deal with, an aggressive roo shouldn't be one of them. I've had to get rid of five roosters in the year I've had them. (I left it to chance and got four roosters out of ten eggs and bought two silkie roosters by accident 🙃) and while I'd love nothing more then to continue trying to get him to not bully my girls, it's taking way to much time and resources and I don't want to wait until he badly hurts one of my hens to rehome him. I just needed to know if there was anything I could do for him.
I hope you and your flock prosper 😊
Sorry you're dealing with this. Wish I had a better answer for you, but it's a hard thing. Sending you supportive thoughts!
I would cull this rooster unfortunately, a rooster that's mean to hens is a serious liability and should not be tolerated and is not something that can generally be improved. I have hopes that you'll find another roo that's kind to both you and your girls though!

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