Hen acting like a roo


Feb 25, 2021
This is Stella
She's 7 month old and yet to lay, she exhibits roo like behavior that has me concerned
She's above the rank of one of my cockerels who's 7weeks younger than she is and when ever he mounts her she gets pissed and does the rooster dance at him before he runs off yes the rooster dance and just the other day I caught her attempt to mount another flock member and this is not the grab and hop on type but the act where by the hackles are puffed up, standing so high coming from behind to trigger squat mode on the hen before she mounts
This has occurred twice now


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This is Stella
She's 7 month old and yet to lay, she exhibits roo like behavior that has me concerned
She's above the rank of one of my cockerels who's 7weeks younger than she is and when ever he mounts her she gets pissed and does the rooster dance at him before he runs off yes the rooster dance and just the other day I caught her attempt to mount another flock member and this is not the grab and hop on type but the act where by the hackles are puffed up, standing so high coming from behind to trigger squat mode on the hen before she mounts
This has occurred twice now
I've have a small Silkie/Blue Face cross hen that does the dance to show she's not to be messed with. I also have a 7-8yrs old Silkie hen that has mounted other hens as a display of dominance a few times last year.
I've have a small Silkie/Blue Face cross hen that does the dance to show she's not to be messed with. I also have a 7-8yrs old Silkie hen that has mounted other hens as a display of dominance a few times last year.
So it's common?
I've heard of hens mounting but this is my first seeing the rooster dance from a hen
I hope she'd still be able to lay?
My Whitings True Blue, who's also my best layer, is #6 in the pecking order of my 8 pullets (all soon to graduate to "hendom"), and ever since her hormones hit, she's been mounting and "mating" the two younger Easter Eggers in the flock. They submit to her, and roost with her at night in the coop. She tries it on with the next two girls up the hierarchy now & then, but they "buck" her off, glare at her and won't tolerate her mounting. (Actually pretty funny to see, as if they're saying, "Girl?!? What's wrong with you?")

But she's never done the rooster dance; maybe she'd try that, too, if we had a roo she could copy!

Your Stella's got some major ATTITUDE - and style! 🤣
I wouldn’t say it’s common but I’ve had it happen with one hen in particular. She almost was “rehomed” because she was crowing, had rooster saddle feathers and all. Someone asked how old she was, said about 6 months. They they then said, give her a few weeks, I bet her hormones are out of whack as she approaches puberty … give it a few weeks and see if she lays an egg. Sure enough, she laid an egg and bam, just like that, stopped the crowing and feathers gradually grew out to normal hen feathers and typical hen like behavior.

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