Ameraucanas and friends coming from Ideal Hatchery tomorrow


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
South Georgia
I have an order of chicks coming from Ideal tomorrow. I orderred 3 Ameraucanas, 3 Naked Necks, 2 Salmon Faverolles and a California White.

Question #1: If these are are all brooded together and given ample coop and run space, do you forsee any aggressive behavior that cannot be worked out socially with the girls? I can't have no "mean girl" action going on between the conventionally attractive girls and the naked necks. The Ameraucanas and Naked Necks were requested by the kids so I can't have them going Hatsfield/McCoy on me.

Question #2: I saw in another post that the Ameraucanas from Ideal are not pure bred Ameraucanas, but actually Easter Eggers. Does anyone know this to be true? It seems odd to me that they could advertise it as such but I will love them just as well if they are Easter Eggers. I just don't want to say I have Ameraucanas if I have Easter Eggers...can't jeopardize my chicken's integrity via false labeling.

Any help or advice will be appreciated.
no, they aren't "true" ameraucanas. It's an issue that goes decades back, but ypically speaking hatchery birds like Ideal, have a "colored egg laying
chicken, but use the name "ameraucana". It is not. the ameraucana standards are very strict. But it's also confusing, as it's the only breed that has a NAME for it's disqualified chickens. FOr example, a non-standard barred rock would be called a "pet quality" barred rock, not a "rockmeister" (LOL) so I hope that helps. So no, don't sell the eggs ameraucanas.

as far as personalities, and the naked necks, if they raise together they "should" be ok, but watch for bullying and be prepared to isolate the poor guys if someone decided they don't like them. I have seen it, its' not pretty.

Congrats on your chickies! Sounds like a great assortment, and will be lots of fun for the kids!
My husband and I were talking about it at dinner last night. We were prepared to do that but hopefully they will all get along. If the kids have to behave so do the chickens.

I am not really snobbish about the breeds. I just don't want to call em that and someone tell me differently. My draw is the colored eggs and the appearance of the bird.
I've seen hundreds of Ideal's "Ameraucanas". They are definitely EEs. The local feed store buys about 5000 chicks from them each year, carries them all year long. And they may not always lay blue or green eggs, either, but can also lay brown, being of mixed genetics.
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Well goodness! At least they are cute even if they do not lay tinted eggs. Seems odd that they can call them that being that they are not true breeds but Easter Eggers. They should just call them Easter Eggers.
They came this morning. I have two dark ones and light one. They definetly have dominant personalities, as they were corralling the others around the box.
my "true" ameraucanas have the most docile personalities. I don't know the temperment of EE's though.

I have heard that Faverolles are typically so docile, that they need to be watched carefully as the more dominant chickens will literally keep them from eating.

Please post some pics!
I am going to post a few, but hopefully will add more this weekend when I can get a better shot of them. The kids were too excited over the chicks so it was hard to snap good ones.

Shy baby with Pretty dark coloring. You can't tell here but she looks like she has eyeliner on.

Will try for more pics later.

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