Ameraucanas and friends coming from Ideal Hatchery tomorrow

I ending up pulling the Salmon Faverolles and Naked Necks and putting them in separate boxes cause the naked necks were getting pecked in the face by the EE and RIR chicks. Then when I kept it to the Salmon Faverolles and Naked Necks there was one antagonistic SF towards the Naked Necks so I separated them. Sometimes I guess I just have to treat them like my kids and separate them.
GEEZ! I left the porch door unlocked and my boxer had his way with one of the chick! He licked the chicks that are RIR or Production Red (who knows) and the Easter Eggers. He overlooked the Faverolles and California Whites and took off with one of my Naked Necks. I was really excited about the naked necks girls too. He didn't maul it or eat it. He apparently boxed it with the paws to death. He was sitting there just as pretty as ever in the sunshine with a dead baby across his paws.

He is only a puppy but knows he is in big trouble. He has pouted and won't look me in the eye now. I am bummed now.
I was listening to the husband tell me I needed to come eat dinner and quit doting on the chickens. Yep, that sense of urgency got me and I forgot to latch the door. It won't happen again I promise you that.
I'm trying to take a picture of the EE's are from ideal. but they don't look the same. In person they are stunning. I have diferent shades of blue/green, light blue, pink. Will buy from them the colors. I got some hatching eggs from a breeder in florida and the color of the eggs were so light blue I was disapointed and was expecting the same of ideal's colors....but nope....this are great colors.

The photo dont gives justice to the real color. This were my first...later followed a light blue light "pink" and a gray. The brown one on the photo is a RIR. Mine started laying at almost 5 months.

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