Coturnix quail death - prolapsed vent? Parasites? (Graphic)

Yes, thank you, cot I know what normal quail poop looks like, and I know the foam could have come from the rooster.

But couldn't it also be from the hen and a symptom of her problems? I've seen anecdotes and papers about foamy poo being related to infection (it's under symptoms of quail disease). Right now, other than lethargy and bloody vents, it's one of the few symptoms I have to go on.

I'll be picking up antibiotics in the morning from the vet down the street. If you have a good plan of action to share, that would be appreciated.

QJ, I appreciate the humor, even though I'm pretty sick over losing my bird and slightly panicked about saving my remaining 13 hens and 2 roosters.

I wish I could say something helpful, but I got nothing...Sorry
First quarantine,at once, (too late I know but) second sanitize if other birds show stress , virkon available at TSC or other sources, highly recommend as a surface sanitizer. Monitor every ones uptake,my experience is they heal quick and can die fast . Remove litter if the problem seems digestive, bacterial or viral. Litter will sustain bacterial and viral exposure. In close confinement I am a believer in mesh floor and dust box , deep litter requires lots of space and volume to be effective, otherwise it can become micro biologically infested They need to scratch I have 8 in square boxes in each pen filled with oyster shell.Vitamin b complex (B12) is a good supplement in stress situations in water or food. I feed cooked quail egg when they seem worn out they need the protein,and nutrition during stress. Pediatric electrolyte or avian electrolyte available at TSC when its hot especially. Reduce stress, safe calm, shaded airy environment,the don't like direct light or exposure they are ground dwellers hiding in the shaded grass by nature, fresh vitamin enriched water, vetoquinol electrolyte, vetoquinol products are sold worldwide available at all Ag stores and Tractor Supply Stores TSC . I have not used antibiotics my problems have been individual birds not infectious out breaks. Good luck
Sub, yes it's hot (Charleston SC), but this week is "cooler" than last. The pens are in dappled shade most of the day, but do get some sun in the afternoon. But half the pen provides shade.

I'll start adding crushed eggshells to their feed as an additional precaution. And remove the ACV for now. I didn't know that it could cause calcium issues. Though they weren't on it as regularly for the first quail death. Thanks!
you can buy crushed oyster she'll from the feed store. I would offer it to them in a bowl that I never let get empty. Those little birds go through a LOT of the stuff, I was very surprised at just how much calcium those tiny birds need!
Vet is leaning toward Quail Disease and possible coccidosis (apparently the deaths being 30 days apart makes it more likely with its life cycle).

We are treating with antibiotics beginning tomorrow morning, and I'm moving them out of the pen/sanitizing/etc. And then on Monday, I'm bringing stool samples over for testing.

The biggest issue is lack of sign so I don't even know if whatever I treat them with will work unless I stop having quail deaths. These are healthy, happy quail. They aren't depressed or off their feed. It's like they're just a little more sleepy than usual in the hours leading up to it.

Sub, thanks!

Cot, my litter is removed and the pen cleaned once a week (same with the sand, though for economical reasons I strain the remainder and add fresh because sand is expensive and they waste a lot). I use clean pine shavings from a local miller. The litter sits on newspaper, and that's also removed once a week. The flooring is made from cypress, so is rot resistant, but it never gets damp because litter is changed so often.

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