Duck behavior


In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2022
Raising a single orphaned duckling, he is getting to big to keep inside. He cries if he can't see me. How do I make him sleep outdoors when it breaks both of our hearts
If you can set up the babies and the orphan close together but with some fencing etc in between the ducklings will eventually accept this lone one by letting them be side by side then gradually letting one or 2 ducklings be with the lone one then adding more as those get used to each other. It's can be done it is just a precess that takes time. When I had newly hatched and a week older ducklings they lived side by side and I let them have supervised time together every day it only took a few days before the younger were sleeping on top of the older ones. I used a piece of hardware cloth wrapped the edges in gorilla tape for separation and they shared the heat lamp.

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