On the ameraucaunasv the one presenting fluffy butt at the beginning looks blue. There's a sort of shine to the center of the feathers with a darker rim. When the camera pans back to the babies, the darker one looks like black. The one staying in the tote, I can't quite tell if I'm seeing down between the feathers or blue feathers (like at the beginning). If I'm seeing blue, then I think you have 2 blue and 1 black.
Thank you 😊 I think so to, I just wasn't sure because they are a much much darker gray then Peanut is now and was a chick. She was cloud gray as wee one vs these guys looking more penguin 🐧 as chicks. Completely different!
I really am hoping that Pegasus is a good rooster.
I am so done with Pastel. If his son isn’t well behaved, I’m going to cry.

Gumbo was a sweet rooster. The only problem with him is that he attacked my girls. He never attacked me or anything. But he was too aggressive with my ladies.

Pumpkin and Basil (third and second roosters) were awful. I rehomed them both but they passed away. Basil has many sons at his new home.
I helped Pumpkin’s owner process him earlier in the school year, because he was very aggressive. He has a few sons left.

Pastel is awful to me. He is fine with the ladies, and always puts them first. Every time I walk into my coop though, he attacks my foot and tried to spur me. He was my first ever chicken, so I am reluctant to process or rehome him. He means a lot to me for being my first chook, but I can’t stand him.
The last week I haven’t gone in the coop because I’m too scared. It’s awful and I hate that I’m scared of a nine pound rooster. His spurs are so sharp, and I can’t trim them because I can hardly hold him anymore. He pecked my mom’s face last year when I was holding him and she still has a scar.

I’m not sure if I can cull him, and I don’t know anyone who would give him a good home.

I don’t want to get rid of him yet, because Pegasus is still so young. His mom is amazing, but I’m worried that he might be aggressive because of Pastel’s personality. I’m also not sure about his personality because of his broody mom. Willow is sweet enough, but I’m not sure if the way she is raising him will affect his personality.

Right now I hate Pastel with a passion. I don’t like it, because he has always been my favorite bird. He’s never had a problem with me up until a few months ago. I’m tired of his crap and I want to get rid of him.

What do you guys think? Get rid of him now and leave my girls with no rooster, or wait and see how Pegasus turns out?

I’m going to need to go into my coop eventually, but he’s going to flog my leg. (Flogs the word, right?)
Don’t leave the girls alone without a rooster. Trust me.
I really am hoping that Pegasus is a good rooster.
I am so done with Pastel. If his son isn’t well behaved, I’m going to cry.

Gumbo was a sweet rooster. The only problem with him is that he attacked my girls. He never attacked me or anything. But he was too aggressive with my ladies.

Pumpkin and Basil (third and second roosters) were awful. I rehomed them both but they passed away. Basil has many sons at his new home.
I helped Pumpkin’s owner process him earlier in the school year, because he was very aggressive. He has a few sons left.

Pastel is awful to me. He is fine with the ladies, and always puts them first. Every time I walk into my coop though, he attacks my foot and tried to spur me. He was my first ever chicken, so I am reluctant to process or rehome him. He means a lot to me for being my first chook, but I can’t stand him.
The last week I haven’t gone in the coop because I’m too scared. It’s awful and I hate that I’m scared of a nine pound rooster. His spurs are so sharp, and I can’t trim them because I can hardly hold him anymore. He pecked my mom’s face last year when I was holding him and she still has a scar.

I’m not sure if I can cull him, and I don’t know anyone who would give him a good home.

I don’t want to get rid of him yet, because Pegasus is still so young. His mom is amazing, but I’m worried that he might be aggressive because of Pastel’s personality. I’m also not sure about his personality because of his broody mom. Willow is sweet enough, but I’m not sure if the way she is raising him will affect his personality.

Right now I hate Pastel with a passion. I don’t like it, because he has always been my favorite bird. He’s never had a problem with me up until a few months ago. I’m tired of his crap and I want to get rid of him.

What do you guys think? Get rid of him now and leave my girls with no rooster, or wait and see how Pegasus turns out?

I’m going to need to go into my coop eventually, but he’s going to flog my leg. (Flogs the word, right?)
How old is Pastel?
Is it possible that he is having a health issue?
It's odd that he turned into a devil when he was a good rooster a few months ago.
My old boy, Doris, was an 11lb sweetheart but when he was around two he got a little mean for a couple of weeks. Because of his size it was worrisome. He wasn't fast though, so I would grab him up and hold him with a towel wrapped around him. Then I noticed that he had bumblefoot. Once that was healed he went back to being a gentleman. He remained a gent until the day he died.
However, pay attention. Don't get hurt trying to spare your rooster. If he is very aggressive you'll need to put your's and your family's safety first.
How old is Pastel?
Is it possible that he is having a health issue?
It's odd that he turned into a devil when he was a good rooster a few months ago.
My old boy, Doris, was an 11lb sweetheart but when he was around two he got a little mean for a couple of weeks. Because of his size it was worrisome. He wasn't fast though, so I would grab him up and hold him with a towel wrapped around him. Then I noticed that he had bumblefoot. Once that was healed he went back to being a gentleman. He remained a gent until the day he died.
However, pay attention. Don't get hurt trying to spare your rooster. If he is very aggressive you'll need to put your's and your family's safety first.
He will be 4 on September 13th.
I don’t think that he has any health issues. He might have scaley mites though. Any tips on how to get rid of those? He’s always attacked my mom, but never me.
I guess I’ll actually have to weigh him. I’m guessing he’s around 8 or 9lbs though.

Last week he jumped up and spurred Mom in the knee.
I’m so done with his crap but I can’t stand the thought of killing him.
He will be 4 on September 13th.
I don’t think that he has any health issues. He might have scaley mites though. Any tips on how to get rid of those? He’s always attacked my mom, but never me.
I guess I’ll actually have to weigh him. I’m guessing he’s around 8 or 9lbs though.

Last week he jumped up and spurred Mom in the knee.
I’m so done with his crap but I can’t stand the thought of killing him.
I understand how you feel. You may need someone else to do the deed. If he has always attacked your mom, I can't say anything in his defense. It sounds like he could be dangerous. And please remember, it only takes a small wound to cause a nasty infection.
Also, while it may be hard to hand down a death sentence, your flock may be calmer, and your family will be less stressed when he is gone.
No one can make that decision but you and your family. Just know that no reasonable person will fault you for making that tough choice.
He will be 4 on September 13th.
I don’t think that he has any health issues. He might have scaley mites though. Any tips on how to get rid of those? He’s always attacked my mom, but never me.
I guess I’ll actually have to weigh him. I’m guessing he’s around 8 or 9lbs though.

Last week he jumped up and spurred Mom in the knee.
I’m so done with his crap but I can’t stand the thought of killing him.
Scaley mites usually affect more than one chicken in a group. They can be treated with Vaseline. Rub it on thickly every night while they are roosting, for 3 nights, then repeat in 1 week to kill any additional mites that hatch out.
Piglet has given up being broody. She still likes flaring her hackles and making a lot of broody sounds, but she is finding that being broody is interfering with her eating schedule.
Tassels has definitely not given up.
Dad shoots squirrels all the time. They take a bite from our pears and then drop them. They are such menaces. There was one time last year where he shot eight in one day.
I wanna go quail and duck hunting this summer… sorry 😅
You really just have to get used to holding a gun. I’ve had my BB gun for over a year and I have almost zero confidence when I’m shooting.
Yes some types especially shotguns are heavy for some people. I don't get squirrels here but chipmunks-that-won't-shut-up galore.
I really am hoping that Pegasus is a good rooster.
I am so done with Pastel. If his son isn’t well behaved, I’m going to cry.

Gumbo was a sweet rooster. The only problem with him is that he attacked my girls. He never attacked me or anything. But he was too aggressive with my ladies.

Pumpkin and Basil (third and second roosters) were awful. I rehomed them both but they passed away. Basil has many sons at his new home.
I helped Pumpkin’s owner process him earlier in the school year, because he was very aggressive. He has a few sons left.

Pastel is awful to me. He is fine with the ladies, and always puts them first. Every time I walk into my coop though, he attacks my foot and tried to spur me. He was my first ever chicken, so I am reluctant to process or rehome him. He means a lot to me for being my first chook, but I can’t stand him.
The last week I haven’t gone in the coop because I’m too scared. It’s awful and I hate that I’m scared of a nine pound rooster. His spurs are so sharp, and I can’t trim them because I can hardly hold him anymore. He pecked my mom’s face last year when I was holding him and she still has a scar.

I’m not sure if I can cull him, and I don’t know anyone who would give him a good home.

I don’t want to get rid of him yet, because Pegasus is still so young. His mom is amazing, but I’m worried that he might be aggressive because of Pastel’s personality. I’m also not sure about his personality because of his broody mom. Willow is sweet enough, but I’m not sure if the way she is raising him will affect his personality.

Right now I hate Pastel with a passion. I don’t like it, because he has always been my favorite bird. He’s never had a problem with me up until a few months ago. I’m tired of his crap and I want to get rid of him.

What do you guys think? Get rid of him now and leave my girls with no rooster, or wait and see how Pegasus turns out?

I’m going to need to go into my coop eventually, but he’s going to flog my leg. (Flogs the word, right?)
I'll share my perspective. Instead of instructing you on what to do, I'll explain what I did.

The first chickens I got were straight run, which meant some were roosters. Out of the 13 chicks, I was lucky that only 3 turned out to be roosters. When they started fighting, I decided to keep Oreo, a beautiful BCM. Things were going well until a few hens got out and Oreo couldn't fit through the hole because he was too big. One was taken by a hawk and he couldn't help her. After this incident, he became very aggressive towards humans, so I rehomed him as I did with the other two roosters. I hope they are doing well, but I'm not sure.

This left my flock without a rooster for a while. Surprisingly, my hens seemed fine and showed no signs of distress.

One downside was that without a rooster, the hens had no one to protect them while free-ranging. I had to limit their time out of the run to when I could be with them. Luckily, I had a large coop and run, so it wasn't a major issue for me.

I understand the fear as I was scared of Oreo too. I was worried he might harm my kids or visitors. That's why I decided to get rid of aggressive roosters. I now have two roosters raised by mature hens who get along well and are good with my kids. There were a couple of incidents where one rooster chased my son, but it never escalated and has stopped completely.

My approach is to remove aggressive roosters, especially if they are past the hormone surge phase, and focus on caring for the good ones. If your rooster is taking away the joy of having chickens, then maybe you should consider rehoming him.
Thank you 😊 I think so to, I just wasn't sure because they are a much much darker gray then Peanut is now and was a chick. She was cloud gray as wee one vs these guys looking more penguin 🐧 as chicks. Completely different!
Ever blue here has grown out differently. Even the twins Lark and Indigo...

That shimmer show up when the light reflects off of it. The way it wrapped around Indigo's tail in the top pic, and the way it reflects off of her back and breast, while the sides aren't showing it. When Zulu started popping the blue, it showed most in the reflective spots like the bottom pic of Indigo. Black doesn’t have that...until the green/purple shows up....later...

Edit: Lark and Indigo were both BLACK chicks...until the light hit the down just right. And as they feathered out, the light spots played peekaboo.

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