Funny Chicken Stories

Once i was taking my rooster, Peep, on a walk with a leash (for a specific reason but that’s a separate story. He has free range, don’t worry)

He darted off, running laps around our house. I couldn’t even run close to the speed he went, so i ended up having to do a football grab, and i ended up penguin sliding in the muddy grass to grab him. It was like he went all haywire and couldn’t stop running. He was so tired he instantly fell asleep when i grabbed him.

Anyways, safe to say that was the first and last time i put him on a leash
Oh okay. Not super funny, but gave me a chuckle. They do that a lot, give me a little chuckle.

I thought I was doing such a good deed by giving the ladies a cabbage I grew. It was in a flimsy little black planter and grew to be a good looking cabbage, but had a ton of those little cabbage moth worms in all the crevices. It wasn’t worth it to me to try to pluck them all out. Instead I thought It’d be fun and entertainment for the girls to peck at it and eat those little worms hidden all over, so I stuck the whole container in their run and let them have at it. Well, they really enjoyed it at first as I watched them so I left them to it and went inside. Only to come out a bit later and find them all huddled in a corner of the run looking terrified. Even as I opened the gate, they would not move in my direction. They did not want to cross paths with….the cabbage. Which had apparently tipped over and rolled away from them while they were pecking at it….horrifying them all. I went in there and straightened it back up and finally, it was okay for them to at least walk by it, but they still avoided it, taking a long route around it and eyeballing it the whole time. It stayed there a few days and evidently one brave soul must’ve started pecking at it again because it eventually was eaten.

I feel bad they were so scared but I had to chuckle. Chickens really are, well…chickens.
Last night the camera in the chicken coop went off for movement at about 9 PM. I see Ravioli (our little red rescue New Hampshire hen) making her merry way off the roost, down the ramp to the floor and finally settle down in the corner of the coop. It’s around 20f last night and I wanted her to sleep on the roost where they have radiant panel heaters nearby. So I went outside, only to find her making growling sounds and fluffing bedding about. I moved her back up to the roost anyways. Then about 10pm the camera goes off again and she’s making her way back to the corner where she makes a fussy bed again. I just left her this time and checked on her bright and early this morning. I figured with all the grumbling maybe she was starting to go broody and I would deal with it today. Well apparently she was just adamant about laying an egg in the corner of the coop last night because I found an egg in her spot and she shows no signs of going broody! She is such a silly chicken.
So not really a full story but it’s funny!

Today I was at an interview(got hired!) at a pet resort(dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, bunnies, parrots) and was informed people have tried bringing their chickens/chicken flocks in for boarding 😂
So not really a full story but it’s funny!

Today I was at an interview(got hired!) at a pet resort(dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, bunnies, parrots) and was informed people have tried bringing their chickens/chicken flocks in for boarding 😂
I do often wonder what I’d do without my brother to check on my chickens while we’re gone…boarding them at a pet resort has never once crossed my mind 🤣
I work from home in our basement all day and we have a ground level basement window. I open it and say hi to the ladies occasionally, give them some left over crumbs from lunch, etc. but I moved my aero garden to the window sill, so now when I open the window, it’s a chicken buffet. And now they know that. So when they want a little snack of dill or parsley, they just come tap at the window :) they are so spoiled

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