Hi from Bama!

Hi Harley, Raising Silkies will be a fun experience for both you and your twins! Silkies are a very tame and gentle breed. I have two black silkies and they can be rather comical at times! The rooster is actually a sizzle.

from a neighbor in Coffee County. Glad you joined us. Silkies are a great choice! We have several in our flock and they're so much fun. They do go broody at the drop of a hat, though
Good luck

By the way, have you checked out the Alabama thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/29002/alabama
Hiya Harley, welcome to BYC! We are so glad to have you with us. You might be able to find some folks in your area who have silkies available... check around.
Hi and :welcome

Glad to have you here!
Good luck with your chickens, I hope your kids enjoy them. Silkies are quite cool.

I hope you find all the info you need here, and enjoy the site. :D

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