High Desert Chicken Newbie

Hello everyone,
I'm so happy to find this forum to learn more about raising healthy chickens. We recently purchased 4 Easter Eggers and want to add a few more, they are approximately 3 weeks old now and it's been a joy to watch them change so rapidly.
We live in the high desert just above 4,000 ft. Our home is on the ridge of a canyon that has fierce winds at times I'm hoping our little chicken hut can withstand that kind of energy, it's arriving on Wednesday!
I am an oil painter who also loves to sew and spend time outside in nature with my little dog Sparrow. 😊
Welcome. I agree with @TwoCrows. They don't like wind. I would get a few of these and make a fenced area where they can escape to get out of the wind without having to go into the coop. They work well and look nice: https://www.amazon.com/Windscreen4l...-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

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