how big should a chicken house be for 300 chickens?

I have no idea what the regulations are like down there but in my province you can't have an operation with more then 200 chickens without a licence from the province. Might be worth calling some government officials just to see what you're local regs are?
The chickens would probably beg to differ


Doubt it. They like to huddle when they roost.

Yes, but then they need to get down, get around, be aside in some inclement weather etc....without clocking into one another at every turn. Just sayin'......

i think 2 square feet per bird is fine if they are going to spend most of it outside in a big enough run. your gonna need quite a few nesting boxes so that might take up a bit of room if you count the nest boxes then 4 square feet per bird would be bigger of course but personally i think it doesnt have to be to big cause they only lay and sleep in there. do what feels right
Doubt it. They like to huddle when they roost.

Yes, but then they need to get down, get around, be aside in some inclement weather etc....without clocking into one another at every turn. Just sayin'......


Really? What experience do you have with 300 chickens or more in one barn at two square feet per bird?
I agree with TDM. We keep 2500 organic layers here. Two square feet is plenty of room, especially in area where they can go outside year round. Even if they are all inside, that is not shoulder to shoulder birds, they have plenty of room to move around at that stocking rate.
Plenty, from a lot of farm visits through my work. The OP can weigh our various takes on this and go from there however seems most appropriate. Maybe something in the middle would be decided; the birds would be the beneficiary of any 'extra' breathing room.

From my own personal experience, my 100+ birds DO NOT like to "huddle" on the roost. When I go out at night to close all 11 coops, I can see them pecking on the other to "move over" until the other chicken moves. When that chicken moves over, all pecking stops and they go to sleep. They love their space. But this is just my chickens. I know that other owner's chickens like to huddle.
I think the argument here is "They'll be fine" vs "They'll be better off." Knowing that commercial growers (which the OP will be with 300 chickens) only use 2 sq ft per bird is beneficial. And for the one using the portable chicken tractor that moves them regularly, I'm betting they do fine on that. I would agree that more space would be better, but I'm not a commercial grower nor have I ever been. I think the OP probably has enough info at this point to make an intelligent decision.
Plenty, from a lot of farm visits through my work. The OP can weigh our various takes on this and go from there however seems most appropriate. Maybe something in the middle would be decided; the birds would be the beneficiary of any 'extra' breathing room.


Okay, by chance did you take any pictures of these farms? If so, can you please share them with us? Thanks.
Okay, by chance did you take any pictures of these farms? If so, can you please share them with us? Thanks.

I didn't but even if I had, it would not be appropriate for me to publish on the internet pictures of people's private property without their permission.
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