How can I treat water belly in ducks naturally?

Apr 2, 2024
I would like to know how to treat water belly naturally in ducks. I have read that brewers yeast & eyebright works or oregano oil, flax oil. I just need to know how to treat him for him to get better. I have a pet duck that I'm sure he is a Blue Swedish one. Since the beginning of February of this year, I noticed he was getting bloated. I thought I was feeding him to much scratch feed. I took him to two veterinarians and they both said he does not have water. (Turns out they were wrong.) Both veterinarians give him antibiotics and the antibiotics didn't work. I went for a recheck for him and one of the veterinarians use a syringe and collected yellow liquid from his stomach. The veterinarian did take out 200ml liquid in his stomach, but didn't take out all of it. I don't know why. If anyone can help me with the measurements with the natural treatments I would appreciate it.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

"Water belly" is a symptom, not a disease. It is ascites which is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. It is caused by underlying disease like liver failure or cancer. In chickens, it is typically a signal that the end is near and quality of life is not going to improve.
The fluid can be drained off using a large bore needle but care must be taken not to drain the fluid too fast as it can cause shock. And symptom relief from the release of the pressure is temporary as the fluid will continue to leak into the abdomen and refill it.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

"Water belly" is a symptom, not a disease. It is ascites which is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. It is caused by underlying disease like liver failure or cancer. In chickens, it is typically a signal that the end is near and quality of life is not going to improve.
The fluid can be drained off using a large bore needle but care must be taken not to drain the fluid too fast as it can cause shock. And symptom relief from the release of the pressure is temporary as the fluid will continue to leak into the abdomen and refill it.
I do know the liquid is cause by an underlying condition, but didn't know if too much is taken out he can go into shock. I have read countless articles & know more now then in the beginning when I was wondering why he was slightly bloated. Just trying to find a natural way to make it better for him.
I do know the liquid is cause by an underlying condition, but didn't know if too much is taken out he can go into shock. I have read countless articles & know more now then in the beginning when I was wondering why he was slightly bloated. Just trying to find a natural way to make it better for him.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I had a chicken hen with Congestive Heart Failure, it causes fluid from the heart to leak into the body cavities as well. She had had a stroke and I kept her comfortable by draining her belly.

Lay the bird in your lap and look at the belly, do you see yellow pockets of fluid? These are the areas you can drain fluid. Wipe the entire area with an alcohol wipe to disinfect the skin. Insert a size 18 or 16 needle on a syringe in one of the pockets about an 1/8th to 1/4 inch, no more, and draw out approximately 2 mls at a time. Watch for blood vessels, if the syringe starts to fill with blood, withdraw. Have a cup ready to empty the fluid into. Keep moving to a new spot after each 2mls. Don't go too fast because they can go into cardiac arrest, so draw out slowly. After you have drawn out about a 1/4 - 1/3 cup, stop. All these little holes will continue to drain for 24 hours so keep the bird in a clean cage, I used dog pee pads or clean grass hay.

This fluid will return, the rate at which it returns depends on why its building up in the first place.....heart disease, internal infection/laying, liver disease, etc.... It's only a temporary solution but it can help them breathe easier. Good luck!

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