Ligament injury ihen leg


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 31, 2013
Have posted previously re my hen with leg injury ... I am thinking after 2 months of careful time in a sling and alternate sleep in a cat crate at night - she is not much better re the injured leg. - she appears in pain some of the time when trying to stand on her bad leg . I have read it can take 3 months for this type of injury ( ligament)? to heal. Has anyone had similiar experience with their hen/rooster??? Will it heal or am i being cruel to keep her alive ??? She is healthy in every other way - eating, drinking, sleeping and very happy in her sling - it is only after i lift her into her bed ( cat crate) she tries to work her leg that she serms to be in pain! Help please...
Have you tried any vitamins with her? I would suggest a human Super B Complex, cut into 4 equal pieces and 1 crushed and added to 1 quart of drinking water. The Bs are the vites that help with the healing and building of new tissue as is C. It's all in this vitamin pill and it can work wonders.
Have you tried any vitamins with her?  I would suggest a human Super B Complex, cut into 4 equal pieces and 1 crushed and added to 1 quart of drinking water.  The Bs are the vites that help with the healing and building of new tissue as is C.  It's all in this vitamin pill and it can work wonders.
Thank you Haunted55 - yes have been crushing vit b comlex tabs 1/2 day sprinkled on food. - of course she doesnt eat it all, so getting a small amount each day ( she is an older hen - maybe 6 years. Has been laying eggs up to Autumn ! She doesnt seem to want much water - just a few sips at a time.
You really should be putting the B Complex in the water rather than the food. The reason is, Bs are water soluble and you said she isn't drinking a lot of water. Giving it to her on her food can be potentially dangerous if she doesn't have the water intake to flush them out. I would give her her own chick waterer with 1/4 of a Super B Complex in it and keep it right beside her so she can reach it easily. If you can give it to her somehow, she can have an asprin. Where she can't get around well and not getting enough water intake I would stick with a baby asprin maybe twice a day. It'll help with any pain she may be having. Only other thing I can think of is maybe wrap her leg with vet wrap to kind of make a brace until this thing heals.
Thank you Haunted55. - i didnt know that the vit b complex was a potential danger - i will add to her water ... Can you explain what Vet wrap is ? Is it a soft elastic type bandage ? I(i am in NZ so may be different to what i think)! She has movement in her upper thigh/ leg. - just cant seem to weight bear and she works her leg back and forth as if trying to get it to step forward .... At first 2 months ago all she could do with her leg was have it stretched out in front of her - at least now she can tuck it under her body when she is settled for the night. I will try baby asprin too. Thanks again
Usually the Bs and C aren't a problem, but if there isn't enough water in the system to get it to where it needs to go in the body and then to get it out, then yes, you can have it build up to toxic levels. the Vet wrap i was talking about is what people use on their horse's legs. yes it's a stretchy, soft, sticks to itself, wrap. Good stuff if you can get it. I've even used it on myself when I hurt my wrist and couldn't stop. Stuff is great!
Thanks - i will try for the vet wrap @ local chemist! Also baby asprin .... It is so nice to have suggestions and support this way as sometimes i feel helpless for this little hen.
I can relate....even with all that I've had to learn in the last couple of years, when something happens here I often hit panic mode. Lol, just the way it is when it's our own. I have a long list in my head that I go through whenever I see something not quite right. Most of the time it helps slow me down enough to be able to look at things logically and find the answer. Then there are the times.....not so much. Full panic mode and unable to think. A different set of 'eyes' sometimes helps with the problem or at the very least moves you in the right direction to figure it out.
Sadly my little Henny died this morning with panic and what appeared as a heart attack. I am sad ..
I can relate....even with all that I've had to learn in the last couple of years, when something happens here I often hit panic mode.  Lol, just the way it is when it's our own.  I have a long list in my head that I go through whenever I see something not quite right.  Most of the time it helps slow me down enough to be able to look at things logically and find the answer.  Then there are the times.....not so much.  Full panic mode and unable to think.   A different set of 'eyes' sometimes helps with the problem or at the very least moves you in the right direction to figure it out. 

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