Loud barred rock


Jul 10, 2018
All of a sudden the last few days one of my barred rock hens has gotten quite boisterous. This morning she started yelling and wouldn't stop. She's about 2 1/2. What's up with her? Is that normal? This morning when she wouldn't stop, I was ready to throw her in a pot.
Ahh, my Barred Rock is younger than yours, but she has her random really loud moments, also. She likes singing the "egg song" when my other young hens are quietly in the dog house trying to lay; I don't know why she thinks she has to sing it for them, because she never sings it when she's in the dog house to lay. :lol: Anyways, I don't really know why your Barred Rock turned so loud. I wonder if it's a breed thing. :confused:

Edited to add: But I don't think it's a cause of concern. Some chickens are just really loud, like some people. :)
Ahh, my Barred Rock is younger than yours, but she has her random really loud moments, also. She likes singing the "egg song" when my other young hens are quietly in the dog house trying to lay; I don't know why she thinks she has to sing it for them, because she never sings it when she's in the dog house to lay. :lol: Anyways, I don't really know why your Barred Rock turned so loud. I wonder if it's a breed thing. :confused:

Edited to add: But I don't think it's a cause of concern. Some chickens are just really loud, like some people. :)
My barred rock’s favorite activity is to stand at the pen gate and scream...and scream...and scream...and then scream some more...and then scream again.
My barred rock is like this,but she’s about three and s half years.Personally I see more talkative behavior around that age,I think it’s because their getting their voices.I have three birds that age who are very talkative.
Just today my barred rock was out there making all kinds of noise. The other one was laying. She did the egg song with the other girl and the boy joined in. They sounded like a chorus. She was louder then the boy by far.
my barred rock is constantly saying "bwaaaaaaaaaaaaak? bwaaaaaaaaaak b, b, bwaaaaaaaak" it's always this super long drawn out loud noise! i think it's super cute though, like her sassy personality!
When my barred rock was a baby, she was the most confident, first to try anything little girl. I named her Rain because at the ripe old age of one week I knew she would reign the roost and I was right. She is the boss

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