My red orpinton girls are looking like they arent orps at all! help!

Yeah im seeing what you mean, fortunately if the last one is a roo i have a farm that will take him as i cant have roo's thanks to noise ordinance regulations in our village. Unfortunately he is named after my best friend angela who wont be best pleased hahahaha!

Ive got some RIR hybrids and two RIR pure breed chicks that are around 7-8 weeks old, the hybrids are just over a year old and the orps(??) are bigger than them! They are young and we have a mixed flock so its possible that my other girls are laying in the wrong nesting boxes
they are all open during the day. Its frustrating as i did the lady i got them from a favour by taking some off her hands on the condition they were hens. She was going into liquidation and has now moved............................Luckily the farm i got my ducks from has said they will take any roo's i have and i know they will be looked after well. Its frustrating as they are beautiful and very well natured birds. I guess ive been in denial about them being roos
LizzieJ, if you get some pics of the others showing that saddle area, we can tell you with more assurance if they are male or female. Red Orps, I'd say they are not.

Hey, aoxa, are you dissing my big old Meg?
She is one of my heaviest hens, always has been. She's very, well, dense. She veers toward her Orpington mother's traits, including the white skin.
no offense, but those look exactly like regular RIR or production red roos...the body shape is all wrong for Orpington or Orp X
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These are interesting crosses. I almost wondering if the 'breeder' took RIRs and crossed them with Orps and "tada, red Orps... right? Right?". D'oh. That would explain why they have the RIR lighter frame, but the white Orp legs.
You could almost say they are a two color cross of Orps except that they have off-shaped combs for Orps, especially the one in the first picture that looks more like a Marans.The body type on your bird is just too narrow for an Orp.

My RIR/Buff Orp hen's mother was an exhibition size Orp out of some beautiful stock. When crossed with my blue Orp rooster, she's produced some beautiful sons and daughters. One daughter in particular had coloring very much like the bird in your first picture you posted, sort of two-toned. Thanks to my friend crazyhen for this picture-she owned this bird.
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LizzieJ, if you get some pics of the others showing that saddle area, we can tell you with more assurance if they are male or female. Red Orps, I'd say they are not.

Hey, aoxa, are you dissing my big old Meg? :p She is one of my heaviest hens, always has been. She's very, well, dense. She veers toward her Orpington mother's traits, including the white skin.


My hens tend to be quite heavy as well. I feel like we are a fat camp for chickens, though there is no progress happening :oops:

She's beautiful either way! :D

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