Need help sexing my 3 chickens. 7 month Boy or Girl Auraucana's.


7 Years
Sep 11, 2012
Hi. I got a new house that came with 24 chickens! Most are 7 month old Auraucana's. Laying a dozen colorful eggs a day. There's a few other breeds as well. But my question is with these 3 pics....Boy or girls?? This one above is big with more of a comb. All these 3 are around 7 months old.

This one is HUGE. No comb. big neck and feet. No long tail feathers...? The last pic is another big one, not as large as middle one, but still big. Has a bigger cpm, big feet. Thank You! PS. These chickens don't have the longer tail feathers, so not sure if it's b/c they are younger, but they also dont cock-a-doodle-do. Just are big compaired to the rest :)
All three are hens. They are actually Easter Eggers and not Araucanas or Ameraucanas. Hatcheries often mislead people by selling them as such, but they are often mixed. Very pretty girls! :) Also thought I'd mention that EE boys are very easy to spot at a very young age. 7 months is mature.
Here is my Easter Egger rooster that is the same age :) Here are areas where boys have much different feathering than the girls. The hackles, saddles and sickle feathers are pointed, shiny and flowing.
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Wow. Beautiful Roosters. Im very new to this. Thank u. So Araucana's are not Easter Eggers? I was told they are the same....does that make them nit pure bred?
Wow. Beautiful Roosters. Im very new to this. Thank u. So Araucana's are not Easter Eggers? I was told they are the same....does that make them nit pure bred?
They don't fit the standard of perfection for Araucanas which look like this:



Your birds would be closer to Ameraucanas than Araucanas, but they are not pure in any sense. Nothing wrong with that at all. I actually prefer the appearance of Easter Eggers, as they come in so many colours.

Please stop over to the EE Braggers Thread and post your images there :) We'd be happy to have you!
Araucanas or Ameraucanas are true pure breeds. Ameraucanas only come in 8 colors though, are bearded/muffed, have pea combs, and slate colored legs. heres the link to the breed club . as for araucanas, they have to be tuffed not beared here in the US the standard calles for tailess/rumpless birds but they do sometimes have tails, overseas they have tails.

araucanas and ameraucanas get classified as ee's when they don't meet the breed standard. and an ee is also any chicken that carries/possess the blue egg gene as well. ee's can look like anything and come in many different colors.
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