New coop project

OMG That was so helpful for me!!! I’m also using the same materials for building a fence/trellace that I got off a picture from a magazine. They guy said he used hog wire fencing and built the top to bend over so that the vines would connect from both sides making a huge “tent”. I’m doing it from one side of my house to the side of our fence, like a vine covered hallway. But I was trying to see how I could use those materials to make make my cheap store bought chicken coop more sturdy for the predators.

This was the photo in the magazine I found. It said it’s nothing but hogwire fence! and he just bought the tallest one and bent the tops inward.

This is great! Did you also put wire on the floor of the run, or is the predator skirt protective enough that the floor can be the natural dirt/ground floor with no wire laid over top of it?
Thanks for the compliment. I hope this ends up helping some other people with ideas for their coop.
My coop is a small one from a farm store… I am going to be building a 10x10 wood enclosure with a roof and hardware cloth walls…my question would be does the hardware apron harm the chickens feet while walking around the 10x10… i want to keep them safe until I purchase wood… not going to remove it after the fact.,, after run is built, I’ll do the apron too
May 11, got the door hung. It sits flush with the framing so a predator shouldn't be able to slip a paw in to pry it open.
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I used a 2x4 as a door jam, so a large dog wouldn't be able to jump on it to force it inward.
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It's finally finished enough that the chicks could move in now, if they had to.
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I'm going to suggest she put a carabiner or something on the gate latch.
The apron would go outside the 10x10 enclosure, so the chickens wouldn't be walking on it.
Thank you!! My 10x10 isn’t built yet..until then I’ll need to dig down 12” with hardware cloth..rough cut for run is on order. I reinforced exterior with 1/2” HC, screws and washers. I remembered my neighbor had the digging tool(crowbar) picked it up last night


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