New here and 1yr new to chickens

Thank you! I will check the egg tonight and see what I see. It's been about 21/22 days for the egg she's still sitting on. I have realized that I need to invest in a grow out pen for future babies and other issues separation is needed. Not super sure what is needed for that.
If it is that far along the egg should be really dark with movements and the top (air pocket) should be the only thing you see through it. You can even do it in a really dar room to see it of you dont want to wait for nighttime.

I will use a bigger wire dog crate with hardwire cloth along the bottom sides so the babies cant get out, and put it in the bottom of the coop.
I'm a fairly new chicken mom. Got chickens last year in May 6 of them. Buff brahmas, a speckled sussex, and an easter egger. Then in Sept I got a few silkies and a little satin something. All is well with them. I love them and they are so sweet. My silkies are a bit off at times and seem skiddish but were working on it. Just yesterday March 21st I had a silkie mama hatch a chick. I'm am a mess. I don't know what to do. I'm so nervous for mama and baby. Stress mess! She's sitting on another egg as well and I'm not sure if it is a live egg or not. So we have that going on now too. Thanks for having me!
Welcome and good luck 😁👍
Hiya, Jen, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

Candle that remaining egg tomorrow or give it a sniff. It might have gone bad. Otherwise, that momma should be fine keeping her chick safe.

I would switch the food in the feeder to all grower crumbles, then set out a dish of oyster shell for the hens as the grower is low in calcium. We always feed for the youngest. The adults will benefit from the higher protein.

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