new to ducks

I'm excited for them to arrive! Do you have other breeds, chickens or ducks? We thought about a turkey,but decided we should just grow into this a bit more slowly. Hope you post pics of your new coop!
Yes, I had 3 ducks, then lost one to a car. Unfortunately then I suddenly lost my drake (the one in the profile pic btw I loved that crazy duck) last winter as I only had two for the longest time. I had one duck for 3 months in the winter, and felt compelled to go out and spend a lot of time with her because she was so lonely. She even took up to hanging with the cats. They do like to have companions.
Thank-you for sharing your experience. I'm still amazed that I've gotten attached to our chickens and I know it'll be the same with the ducks! As for getting more I am really thinking about your suggestions. I do, however, have concerns about how much yard space that more would require. My plan is to house them in the garden area. I have raised garden boxes and space for two to wander this area foraging for slugs and bugs. The area is about 20ft x 20 ft. Is that enough room for four ducks?
Total trial and error trying to keep them even partially dry and clean. I'm now trying a large tupperware lid for their eating and snarfling area. The poor chickies can't seem to get clean water for more than 10 minutes! And the ducks have their own tupperware full of water!
Hope the Tupperware lid works for you. We made poop-free waterer for chickens. Love it! Before that, constantly cleaning their watering can. Hope to find a similar idea for ducks.
That is enough room for four ducks, The rule of thumb is 10-25 sq feet of outdoor yard space per duck and you have 400 sq. feet-so get more ducks. Make sure that their coop has at least 3 sq. feet per duck if you will be keeping them indoors at night--if you will be keeping them inside indefinately during bad weather, 6-8 sq. feet of coop space per duck is adequate. If you want them continually in your garden though, I wouldn't plant any plants that would suffer from too much nitrogen like legumes or potatoes...
as far as shelter, a simple covered structure is fine if they are otherwise safe from predators... ducks don't need the heat that chickens do.
Thanks again to all! Yes, I added two more hens to my order this morning! I'll keep them in garden area then maybe put a gate into the much larger chicken area. My garden is raised at least 2-3 feet to accommodate my mobility, so I think that's good. Good timing with good advice! Thanks again!
Hi gregnlinda, I have raised Pekins and Rouens in the past and this year I ordered 6 buff orphinhton ducks and four American buff geese! I am making them a pen I designed with their baby pool on a big wire platform over a drainage ditch that is going to drain onto some blackberry bushes! I hope it works! I am so excited and plan to keep a trio or pair of both the geese and ducks long term and hopefully have some babies in the future.
As far as chickens go, I have Marans, ameraucanas, legorns, red and dark Cornish for hens and a Delaware roo.
Ducks are so fun and cute! I put my first duckings in my bathtub a few times and I had so much fun.Again good luck to you!
Hi one acre homestead! Sounds like you have a good plan! I may have to do the bathtub thing when my grandchildren come to visit! Ok, maybe before, for the fun of it! LOL. Sure sounds like you have plenty of experience with ducks and such! Good luck with all yours,too!

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