new to ducks

I'm new to the ducks too. I considered the welsh harlequins but then decided I wanted to start with smaller ducks for my first ones, while still sticking to the heritage breeds. So, I chose miniature silver appleyards. Anyone know anything about these guys? My 6 eggs arrived in the mail today. I'm pretty excited!
I have to brush up on the incubating specifics of ducks. Is it the same as chicks? I have 20 blue ameraucanas hatching as I type. 6 are out and a couple more are pipping.
Hi! We almost went with khaki cambells. But liked the markings on the wh. I don't know anything about hatching eggs yet. But I did read somewhere that humidity is different for ducks. I'm not sure about temperature. I haven't heard of your duck breed. But since I love learning all about this new venture, I'll definitely do some research. I'll be very interested to hear how you're coming along! Good luck!
I hope you are getting them young. My two Pekins were previously owned and aren't used to ME yet, I've had them 6 days and I really spoil them with fresh veggies, June Bugs, Good Quality food from TSC,...I think the previous Momma imprinted deeply upon them.
That is enough room for four ducks, The rule of thumb is 10-25 sq feet of outdoor yard space per duck and you have 400 sq. feet-so get more ducks. Make sure that their coop has at least 3 sq. feet per duck if you will be keeping them indoors at night--if you will be keeping them inside indefinately during bad weather, 6-8 sq. feet of coop space per duck is adequate. If you want them continually in your garden though, I wouldn't plant any plants that would suffer from too much nitrogen like legumes or potatoes...
as far as shelter, a simple covered structure is fine if they are otherwise safe from predators... ducks don't need the heat that chickens do.

Glad to learn of this...ducks not needing the heat. Thanks for sharing that. What is the LOWEST temp safe for Pekins, anybody know??
Hi all, I will post Pics of my run soon. I hope to finish this weekend. I live in a mild winter place, but from what I have read ducks and geese can handle really cold temps. Even in below freezing weather all that is recommened is a windbreak and they don't always use that, someone on the goose forum just wrote that his geese would just sleep on the grass in 30 below happy as clams and not use their shelter!! All that down I guess.
thats good to know, I'm in Michigan. We finished the duckie door into the kennel (they have the northern most stall in an old dog kennel.) Inside measures 16x8 foot, and will also house chickens soon. Outside measures about 27 ft by 8. Pretty nifty what my hubby did, seeing he don't look at any of the cool pics everyone posts and the ideas I'd love to have!!!
Can't wait to see your pictures! I'm almost as excited by your project as I am about getting my ducks! LOL. Did I mention I added two more to my order?

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