Please help - hens eye has swollen up bad

It would be good to get more info on any other symptoms, so we will know if this is a respiratory infection, or from possibly getting something into the eye or a peck injury. If she has had some coughing or wheezing, rattly breathing, and nasal drainage, she probably has a respiratory infection. Include info about any past respiratory diseases.
We are in the U.K. , not sure we can get hold of some of the medication you mention but will check ..

The top of her eye is the slit of her eye , it’s like her eyelashes

My mum thinks it’s a cyst maybe she has, I will let her watch the videos as i can’t watch things like that .. thanks so much everyone for the advice I’m gonna show my folks just now !

What a great group thank you
It would be good to get more info on any other symptoms, so we will know if this is a respiratory infection, or from possibly getting something into the eye or a peck injury. If she has had some coughing or wheezing, rattly breathing, and nasal drainage, she probably has a respiratory infection. Include info about any past respiratory diseases.

I thought I heard a slight wheeze when I was trying to get the pics

I’ll get close up Pics shortly
I cannot swear that it is not a cyst, but it looks like the many eye infections from coryza or E.coli that people on BYC sometimes post. I realize the videos are bad, but you really should try to look at them to see how to help your chicken. She may lose her eye from this infection, so it may require both you and your mother’s help. If it is coryza, you may see other chickens get this. Hopefully, it is just an eye infection from a foreign body or dirt in her eye. One person had a chicken like this, and they found a seed pod in the eye, once it was cleaned out. Since antibiotics are not available without a vet in the UK, you will need to get your vet to prescribe an antibiotic, possibly a sulfa antibiotic or one that will treat several kinds of infection.
I don’t know what’s available in the U.K. but in the pharmacy you may find ophthalmic ointment and pre-made bottles of saline in the contact lenses section in the store.

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