Rats... I'm worried... baby chicks moved outside today!


Let Your Light Shine ~ Matthew 5:16 🤍✝️
Mar 5, 2021
Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Our sweet chicks moved outside today! It is already 8pm, and dark. I'm super worried though... we have a rat infestation in our shed, which is about 5 yards away from where they are. They are 6 weeks old tomorrow. I tried to make it as rat proof as possible by putting rocks around all the big gaps, but there are still a few small gaps. There is food in there, will the rats try and get to that? The rats seem pretty comfortable darting around.... they ran across the chicken run while I was out there today, in broad daylight. I've heard that rats eat chicks, will they eat them at this age? Or attack them? AGH, I'm just so nervous! To make matters worse, the weather is going to be a low of 42 degrees. In the garage, where they were before, it was about 40-50 degrees. They had a heat lamp, but it was about 6' away.... Gah. I'm just so so so so so so so so so so so worried! Any reassurance, suggestions, or answers? Thanks in advance!
Right, more info

7 chicks (6 weeks, as stated already)

They have some wind protection, half of their little chicken tractor is covered in plastic roof like material

I put a padded, blanket sort of thing on top of the triangle roof. It is plastic like on one side, and soft on the other. It covers one half of the triangle roof. Just to keep it a bit warmer.

Oh, and the weather is clear.
Do you have a plan to ratproof the area? I wouldn't have moved them out until that was done, unless it was unavoidable, in which case you need to just cover up gaps best you can and plan to reinforce as soon as you're able to. They WILL go after feed so to eliminate temptation I would not leave feed out at night.
Do you have a plan to ratproof the area? I wouldn't have moved them out until that was done, unless it was unavoidable, in which case you need to just cover up gaps best you can and plan to reinforce as soon as you're able to. They WILL go after feed so to eliminate temptation I would not leave feed out at night.
Thank you for responding. I really wish I could have moved them out later, but I am going on a trip in 2 weeks, and need them to be fully moved out with the other (big) chickens. I am slowly working on setting rat traps (non poisonous) I covered up at least the big gaps, but there are still smaller gaps I will work on getting rid of tomorrow. From now on I will not leave the feed out. Thanks again!
I wouldn't say rats are no problem. 6 week chicks are imo vulnerable to rats and yes rats will find the food in no time.
Trip in 2 weeks is fine but the rats ideally should be gone by then. If it was me in that situation I'd leave them indoors for a week longer and then put them outside but leave them locked in their coop. Depends how many and how big the coop is - it might be too long to leave them like that but it's what I'd try to do
I wouldn't say rats are no problem. 6 week chicks are imo vulnerable to rats and yes rats will find the food in no time.
Trip in 2 weeks is fine but the rats ideally should be gone by then. If it was me in that situation I'd leave them indoors for a week longer and then put them outside but leave them locked in their coop. Depends how many and how big the coop is - it might be too long to leave them like that but it's what I'd try to do
Thanks. I will do all I can possible to get rid of the rats. (aka, setting rat traps and removing all food and bedding sources they might be able to get at in the shed (where the rats currently call home)

I would like to have left them indoors for longer, but, having big chickens, I want them fully integrated with the flock within a week, so I can have a week of keeping an eye on them to watch for fights.

I am hoping to put the chicks in with the hens in the coop at night, probably in a few days, then separate them during daytime. Then eventually just fully integrate them together.

The coop is 40sq' I have 7 chicks, 6 adult hens. One of the chicks might have to go, though, because "she" looks to be a cockerel. So 12 chickens in the 40sq' coop. Also, their run is 750sq'

Basically, I am already a little tight on space (in the coop)

Thanks for your input!
Look up RatX!
Praying all goes well for you & the chicks
I looked it up! It looks fairly good, I have a couple (probably 5) classic traps, and one called a Ratinator (I'm not a huge fan of that last one, as you have to drown the rats... and I don't really like doing that, but it is effective....)

I will work on rat-proofing today!

At least the chicks are alive and well this morning :)! Last night I was paranoid they were all going to be dead....
hey lemon, I take it they made it through their first night then?
I am dreading the cull here myself. I've got 5 males, all still indoors, the 9 week old has started crowing and yes the neighbours have probably heard him by now. They don't know I've started keeping chickens again but that is why I went for the smallest breed I could find this time. My dog so far is still louder so less reason for anyone to complain about 5 cockerels crowing I hope. Here I still need to fence off the coop and he needs to go out asap.

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