Roadside stand…

I want to create a “roadside stand” where I will sell my eggs and veggies(located in MI). Anyone else do something of this nature? Just wondering if there’s any benefit to registering this as an LLC? Thanks in advance for any info!
I've been thinking about doing this also, so I'll follow along. I've read that some members here used to sell eggs but gave it up because of "those" customers that have nothing better to do but complain and try to get something for nothing.
So far I just give to family, friends, local church food box, or feed back to my birds.

:frow from Michigan also.
I want to create a “roadside stand” where I will sell my eggs and veggies(located in MI). Anyone else do something of this nature? Just wondering if there’s any benefit to registering this as an LLC? Thanks in advance for any info!
I have an LLC. The govt is making it a huge pain to have one. Now you not only have to register it with the state, you have to register it with the federal govt and pay a nice fee to do so. And filing the taxes on it, with your state and federal, wouldn't be worth it for a small roadside stand. You would have to get an EIN even if you have no employees. Then prove any profit or loss. And it takes weeks and weeks to even start an LLC, you have to first see if the name you want is available, then file with your state, pay fees to do so. Then wait for all the necessary paperwork. Register with the state and the federal, wait for your EIN... I don't mean to sound discouraging but by the time everything is all done, it would be August. Just set up your roadside stand and have fun. Have people pay cash
I just put up a road side egg stand a few weeks ago-on a main Michigan state 2 lane highway, so lots of traffic. We have 29 hens and sell 7-8 doz mixed size eggs unwashed but clean per week-only open thur-sat. I have been wondering about claiming expenses and taxes and all that-i do keep track of how many I am selling and money earned-i am actually looking for more info about that and stumbled on this thread :)
I started a farmstand this year. Created an LLC and got insurance incase someone wanted to try something stupid. Pretty simple to do. I sell eggs and produce. I take cash and venmo. It's a nice way to make the garden and birds pay for themselves.

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