I just email the place I ordered it from. This order has been difficult from the beginning. Replacement order resulted in two DOA and the little EE you see in with the Fav and AM was the only one to survive. Then they refunded the order. Awesome, but left me fed up with 6-week-old, and I ordered day old chicks. I ordered way over the limit for my ordinance to safely get them here. No blue eggs for me.
Yeah the hatcheries call them Americanas…usually…note the spelling. Some don’t even bother with the different spelling. Still super awesome birds though!!
I agree!
Her name was Miss Busy and she loved to snuggle and laid beautiful turquoise eggs. Her best friend was a RIR named Brownie. When Brownie died of old age, Miss Busy looked all over the yard for her until I think she realized that she was really gone. A couple of weeks later, Miss Busy died, too. Now she's with her best friend again in chicken heaven.🐔😇

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