Thank you this has been so educational. So do Easter-eggers lay Blue eggs also?

They can. Being that they come from a background of mixed genetics, they can also lay green eggs, and on occasion one doesn't inherit the blue egg gene and lays brown eggs instead. I think white eggs are technically possible as well, but I've never personally heard of a hatchery Easter-egger laying white eggs.
What @pipdzipdnreadytogo said, lol. :goodpost:
They can. Being that they come from a background of mixed genetics, they can also lay green eggs, and on occasion one doesn't inherit the blue egg gene and lays brown eggs instead. I think white eggs are technically possible as well, but I've never personally heard of a hatchery Easter-egger laying white eggs.

They can. Being that they come from a background of mixed genetics, they can also lay green eggs, and on occasion one doesn't inherit the blue egg gene and lays brown eggs instead. I think white eggs are technically possible as well, but I've never personally heard of a hatchery Easter-egger laying white eggs.

Because we only get blue and brown no white.
One of my Easter-eggers lays a super pretty blue egg as well. :love Most of mine have been green-eggers, though, or super pale blue. It's really luck of the draw with them.

The Easter-egger in question's egg is on the right in this picture; the egg on the left was from a Silkie x Easter-egger mix I have.

Fifi for-sure first egg!! 9-28-19.png

I don't actually own any Ameraucanas, for the record. I had a Blue hen a few years back, but she got sick and passed away pretty young, and I just haven't had the opportunity to get another one since. But I do love the breed and want to get more eventually, which is why I was lurking here in the first place. 🤭
One of my Easter-eggers lays a super pretty blue egg as well. :love Most of mine have been green-eggers, though, or super pale blue. It's really luck of the draw with them.

The Easter-egger in question's egg is on the right in this picture; the egg on the left was from a Silkie x Easter-egger mix I have.

View attachment 3198573

I don't actually own any Ameraucanas, for the record. I had a Blue hen a few years back, but she got sick and passed away pretty young, and I just haven't had the opportunity to get another one since. But I do love the breed and want to get more eventually, which is why I was lurking here in the first place. 🤭
Once my new babies grow up and start laying, you're welcome to get some from me. You can take your pick of varieties 😉
I find it so odd that some show people say they’re not Ameraucanas simply because they’re not one of the accepted colors. Splash isn’t an accepted color yet it comes from breeding blues and blacks. Isabelle comes from breeding wheaten and lavender! Both of those also breed true. Although you breed them back to the original parent color to improve feather quality for them, I say those are absolutely true Ameraucanas, including the mottled project color you have.
Thank you!
I find it so odd that some show people say they’re not Ameraucanas simply because they’re not one of the accepted colors. Splash isn’t an accepted color yet it comes from breeding blues and blacks. Isabelle comes from breeding wheaten and lavender! Both of those also breed true. Although you breed them back to the original parent color to improve feather quality for them, I say those are absolutely true Ameraucanas, including the mottled project color you have.
Just like there's red or lavender or paint silkies, they are still silkies just not acceptable colors
Those are beautiful! I know there are some breeders working on them, so hopefully they will become accepted and more popular over time. :fl

I think that last one might actually be Erminette instead of Mottled. That's another project variety being worked on, albeit not by very many people from my understanding. I've seen them referred to as Mottled, and also as 'Peppermint Ameraucanas' or something to that effect, but the pattern is one copy of the dominant white gene over solid black just like Paint in Silkies. I've seen them in person at a show and the contrast between the white and black feathering on them is breathtaking! 😍 Not my bird, but I did take these pictures of her because she was beautiful.

Ameraucana, erminette female.jpg

Ameraucana, erminette female close up.jpg
Those are beautiful! I know there are some breeders working on them, so hopefully they will become accepted and more popular over time. :fl

I think that last one might actually be Erminette instead of Mottled. That's another project variety being worked on, albeit not by very many people from my understanding. I've seen them referred to as Mottled, and also as 'Peppermint Ameraucanas' or something to that effect, but the pattern is one copy of the dominant white gene over solid black just like Paint in Silkies. I've seen them in person at a show and the contrast between the white and black feathering on them is breathtaking! 😍 Not my bird, but I did take these pictures of her because she was beautiful.

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View attachment 3201583
Oh yes I forgot to mention that the last one was erminette, now another favorite pattern to add to the list! She’s absolutely stunning 😍 I love all of these project colors. Almost all of the accepted and widely available colors of Ameraucanas are solid colors. While I love the solid colors, it would also be very cool to see some more patterns available in one of my top favorite breeds!

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