Aslo could be Wheaten. But I would read through the clubs info and look at the pictures there.

His color is more reminiscent of Wheaten than Brown Red (Brown Red has black flight feathers, Wheaten has a patch of reddish color in the flight feathers; the first screenshot you posted is a Wheaten), but again, too much black where there shouldn't be, and he has yellow skin, so not a pure Ameraucana.
His color is more reminiscent of Wheaten than Brown Red (Brown Red has black flight feathers, Wheaten has a patch of reddish color in the flight feathers; the first screenshot you posted is a Wheaten), but again, too much black where there shouldn't be, and he has yellow skin, so not a pure Ameraucana.
Didnt say it was pure, but the body color is very close to Ameraucana if poorly bred. The legs are off as well as the comb. Plus advised to go to the club site, it's a better reference than here for the most part.
Yes, and I was just giving the reasons why he is not a pure Ameraucana. A lot of people look at the Ameraucana clubs' resources and decide their birds are pure based solely on feather coloring being kinda-sorta similar (heck, sometimes even just based on the name of a color being kinda-sorta similar, which is why so many Easter-eggers get passed off as Brown Red Ameraucanas even though they look nothing like the actual variety!), so pointing out the smaller details that get overlooked can help alongside those sites as a reference. 🙂
New bantams that joined the flock just before Easter…I tried a photo shoot but they weren’t cooperative! 😝 4 blacks and a splash! 😍


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Super excited because I just purchased 6 white Ameraucana eggs from gypsy hen poultry for my broody bantam Cochin to hatch! She’s currently sitting on 6 fake eggs in the broody mama area awaiting the 6 Ameraucana eggs. I know lots of people think all white birds are boring but I absolutely love them, especially the pure white Ameraucanas, just gorgeous.
Super excited because I just purchased 6 white Ameraucana eggs from gypsy hen poultry for my broody bantam Cochin to hatch! She’s currently sitting on 6 fake eggs in the broody mama area awaiting the 6 Ameraucana eggs. I know lots of people think all white birds are boring but I absolutely love them, especially the pure white Ameraucanas, just gorgeous.
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Ohhhh I LOVE white Ameraucanas!! Not at all boring, soo pretty and sophisticated! I'm super jealous! I really want one too. I have tried super hard to find really good white bantam Ams and had NO I might make it a project! I have a lovely white d'Anver rooster that I might try breeding with one of my black Ameraucanas and see if I can get there on my own! Good luck with the hatch!!
Ohhhh I LOVE white Ameraucanas!! Not at all boring, soo pretty and sophisticated! I'm super jealous! I really want one too. I have tried super hard to find really good white bantam Ams and had NO I might make it a project! I have a lovely white d'Anver rooster that I might try breeding with one of my black Ameraucanas and see if I can get there on my own! Good luck with the hatch!!
Yes they’re so pretty!! Bantam white Ameraucanas would be such a fun project and they’d be adorable!
Hoping out of the 6 eggs at least 4 hatch and out of the 4 I get 2 girls… won’t get my hopes up for a 100% hatch rate (although that’d be nice). This hen has been broody all spring and summer for 3 years and this is her first year she gets to become a mom so I hope she’s a good one!
Yes they’re so pretty!! Bantam white Ameraucanas would be such a fun project and they’d be adorable!
Hoping out of the 6 eggs at least 4 hatch and out of the 4 I get 2 girls… won’t get my hopes up for a 100% hatch rate (although that’d be nice). This hen has been broody all spring and summer for 3 years and this is her first year she gets to become a mom so I hope she’s a good one!
Yeah, my little d’Anver boy is just so cute! I just love the bright white against the red comb 😍😍 He would make such cute beebies ❤️

Is the broody girl an Ameraucana too? I have one that is sort of interested in being broody, but not quite dedicated like my silkies and bantam cochins. I hope your girl turns out to be a great Momma! 😍😍
Yeah, my little d’Anver boy is just so cute! I just love the bright white against the red comb 😍😍 He would make such cute beebies ❤️
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Is the broody girl an Ameraucana too? I have one that is sort of interested in being broody, but not quite dedicated like my silkies and bantam cochins. I hope your girl turns out to be a great Momma! 😍😍
Aww he's adorable! My broody girl is a bantam frizzle cochin! My splash Ameraucana has gone broody twice but she's very flaky with it and gets bored fast lol. The cochin on the other hand is insanely dedicated to the point where she brooded straw for a month and a half... I can finally let her hatch this year because we live on 5 acres now so I have a lot more space for chickens compared to our old house (we had a city limit of 4 hens, I was over it already with 6 haha). I'm debating on whether I want to let her hatch some wheaten Ameraucanas or olive eggers in late summer.

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