Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

This article is awesome. Thank you for the excellent writing, the laughs and the truth
Loved it, made me laugh and realize how much I relate to this article. Thanks for making this!
Let's see here.... if my flock is based off of chicken math, well then they simply do not exist! All of my chickens are named! And even if they weren't my actual flock size would "minimize" to around 15 maybe even less! I love chicken math!
... also, if, by some cruel act of fate you have one duck or chicken that is lonely because she is alone, you sometimes have to get a new baby.

For example I had 2 ducks and one passed to the magical pond in heaven, the remaining duck was lonely so I had to get a duckling. But you know sometimes babies don't survive so you need to get 2. Also, babies need to be at least 3 to make a little sleeping pile otherwise they sometimes just die from being cold. You would not want the lonely duck to have 2 new babies and then they die! She just lost her sister and would be devastated to have a baby die too. So we lost 1 duck and now we have 4, which is actually just 2 because we are replacing the one who died.
This is an excellent application of Duck Math. Well done, and good luck to your new flock of... 2 ducks. Shhhh. ;)
Brilliantly hysterical!
As I read each rule, I mentally tried calculating the number of chickens I currently have (current flock consists of 19 different breeds & 7+ colors of eggs (more than 7 if spots make them a different color!) and my head was starting to spin trying to figure out which really counted… but then I got to the naming rule and realized I only have 1 chicken since all are named! Whew! I loved this article! Great job! 🥳😂🤪🥰🙌🏼
Love this article! Very entertaining.
I absolutely love this! So entertaining and a neat idea!
Haha! I thought I had a nine chicken flock, but I guess I have a zero chicken flock. Time to get some more chickens...hehehehe...
Remember the golden rule... you always have at least ONE chicken or people think you are crazy!
Best of class !😂 I thoroughly enjoyed this class ! A class act ! Thank you from one Mama hen , lol 🐔🐣🍗🐓
Having been doing this math for many years years with people, I am thrilled to find a full set of lecture notes complete with examples. Much kudos and many blessings to the chooky professor, may their flock never increase by official numbers, only visually grow by feathered bodies seen and buckbucks heard!

Sending the best from Australia.
You did review #101 on Chicken Math 101! That wins you ENDLESS CHICKENS FOR LIFE. Congratulations. I have already talked to your Hens and they will be glad to raise any and all chicks you bring home- and NONE of them count towards your flock. Enjoy! :)
Excellent article on how chicken math works. SO much easier to understand than your typical math.
Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 especially explaining to hubby!
I love the math and the proofs! Ridiculously hilarious! Someone had an awfully lot of time on their hands to come up with all this.
A labor of love. ;)
My partner and I had a good laugh over this article at lunch today. It really brightened our day, and we especially loved all the diagrammed mathematical proofs! Thanks so much for some much needed and well thought out chicken humor today!
I literally laughed out loud. Love this!
Very good information. Just today I was gifted 7 chicks so I have 0 in my flock. I can get more! 🤪
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