
  1. B

    Happy to be here!

    New member here:) I’m in western NC and raise Mille Fleur D’Uccle bantam’s and Buff Orpingtons. Great friendly breeds. Love hatching our own eggs. I have read the BYC threads for a long time and decided to become part of this great community. Thanks for having me!
  2. Desertvalleychickens

    The Temperature For Hatching Eggs

    Temperature: The eggs need to be kept at 99.5 degrees at all times; just one degree higher or lower for a few hours can terminate the embryo. Humidity: 40 to 50 percent humidity must be maintained for the first 18 days; 65 to 75 percent humidity is needed for the final days before hatching.
  3. SchultzWoodworking

    Building the fortress: one homestead at a time

    Hi everyone! Conrad from Freeland here... Mortician by trade & Army Veteran recently medically retired from my infrastructure job...too many surgeries...work hard/play hard!!! I’m incredibly new to this addictive thing you all call chicken raising...I know jack squat about this stuff even...
  4. Keziah

    HELP! i dont know whats wrong with my chicken

    Hey, so my hen (fluffy, age 2, buff Orpington) has been in the nest box for 2 days straight. she is not sitting on eggs, and i do not think she has even layed an egg. She has a missing patch of feathers on her neck too. any ideas on what's wrong with her??? also when i take her out of the nest...
  5. C

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello everyone! My name is Naomi, I live in Missouri, and I am obsessed with everything chickens! I am so thankful to have found such a wonderful community! BYC is so helpful! With Aged chicken parents, that help new chicken parents make the healthiest, and smartest decisions for our feathered...
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