coop and run construction

  1. A

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...

    Check out my ultimate chicken coop/run!

    Hello, I am new to this site and wanted to share My coop. I am an engineer by day and think I did an ok job on my coop. I Designed and built this coop after a lot of planning and research. Tell me what you think! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for future awesome engineering ideas...
  3. Recycling an Old Horse Shelter into a Turkey, Duck & Chicken Coop & Run with Repurposed Materials

    Recycling an Old Horse Shelter into a Turkey, Duck & Chicken Coop & Run with Repurposed Materials

    (This article is still in progress) It all began with adopting a Silkie Rooster, hatching 11 chicks and raising 7 ducks..... now we have a Large Coop, 2 turkeys, ducks and 16 chickens (all broody 🤣). This coop was a abandoned horse shelter within an old horse pen. Eventually it was turned into...
  4. B

    Ventilation for new coop

    I need all your expertise. We've built our first coop and I'm debating the ventilation. Please ignore all the ladders and materials laying around. I see differing advice all over the place. The roof is metal with eves (2x4s) that are open all the way around and are going to be open with...
  5. paradisepentacoop

    Roost and Nesting Box placement

    Happy Sunday all- I am running my brain ragged trying to figure out my build for aviary style coop I am working on. The coop and run are one and the same, with the entire area being roofed but otherwise open since my location is hot and humid (Puna, Hawaii). Some others in the area have literal...
  6. paradisepentacoop

    Coop and Run Ideas from and for a Newbie-

    Hey BYC, I am looking at building a run and coop with the Magidome bracket set. I think am going a full 8' for the dome pieces to allow for the largest run and enough space for a coop while also not going too crazy. I have a couple of issues that I cannot think of a solution to and would greatly...
  7. A

    Need help on coop and size

    I have about 20 chickens and 5 ducks, and I live in Northeast Ohio. I currently have a pen 30 x 30 (4 feet high with electric fence on top) is also has 2 shelters (9x10) made of chicken wire and covered by a tarp that I got of amazon for locking them up at night and keeping them safe. I want to...
  8. swinfield89

    Type of wire?

    You know when you buy a big roll of hardware cloth, how it comes wrapped in a lot of thin, flexible, rust-free wire? It's very strong but very thin, can be bent and manipulated by hand without tools. I want to buy just that wire for a coop project, but I'm having trouble finding anything like it...
  9. CochinLady61

    Racoon Disaster

    I thought I should share my Racoon Disaster because I thought my coop was safe. It was for about 20 years, and then it wasn't. The racoon climbed onto the top of my coop and did some acrobatic maneuvers to wedge himself between my rafter / ventilation space. He was able to get in and out the...
  10. kendek

    converting catio to a coop?

    essentially i want to know if anyone else has attempted to make a premade catio into a coop before! id be housing 3 Silkies in my coop for context! i know a decent amount so far since ive worked with chickens previously and am familiar with bird care. im not sure how much chicken care varies...
  11. K

    Coop advice for beginner

    Hello, Looking for advice on food and water inside. I was thinking a bucket with cups. I’m new to keeping chickens and we live in New Mexico. It gets pretty hot during the summer months. Any experienced advice on where/what to put inside for my girls at night would be appreciated. (The...
  12. Cade S

    Coop Progress!

    Got all the cuts for the frame knocked out first. Over a few days, I got the frames done (and forgot to take photos). Now we've prepped the ground and laid the base Walls up tomorrow! But here's the rough draft of the design as a sneak peak:
  13. Cade S

    Coop just got delivered

    Think I can get the chicks to pitch in and help get their home built?
  14. Ittybittyschmidtie

    Using shed for chicken coop. Need layout ideas

    I would like to transform one of the sheds on our property that is in good condition into a chicken coop and build a chicken run on the exterior. For reference I am soon to have 15 new chicks and this shed is 16x16. I am new to all of this and I am scared to ask/ don’t feel comfortable asking...
  15. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with building a new coop!

    I am trying to build a new coop for my chooks. I have 1 year to do it, as the hubby agreed that I can get more next year! The downside is, I have a small coop, since I had an accident where a pack of dogs ripped off my coop door and ate all my chickens. Hubby agreed that if I can build a...
  16. Launchpad

    Duck pen upgrade: thoughts/suggestions on water etc

    So we are expanding the existing duck pen which is currently occupied by 2 pekins (M/F) to include the other faction of 3 that is currently living in the large chicken coop run: 2 Cayuga (M/F) 1 Silver A (F) and will also be able to hold the 4 to 5 more females that we will soon get to the...
  17. M

    Needing inspiration on attaching a run to this coop

    Hey everyone! I’m still researching and learning and plan to get my chickens in the spring. I have purchased a coop I found on marketplace (see picture) I plan to place this coop within my fenced in backyard but also I need to attach a run to it somehow because I have 2 dogs that would love a...
  18. Bladester

    My New BLUE Coop and Run Design Finally Finished (9 Long weekends LOL)

    Hello All: I am a recent new homesteader and backyard chicken owner; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 x 5 foot coop and...
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