
In the Brooder
May 3, 2023
essentially i want to know if anyone else has attempted to make a premade catio into a coop before!

id be housing 3 Silkies in my coop for context! i know a decent amount so far since ive worked with chickens previously and am familiar with bird care. im not sure how much chicken care varies between breeds so any Silkie specific advise is welcome.

ive been doing a lot of searching into alternative structures to see what i can make into a coop since i have a very oddly sized space to fill. i would build a custom enclosure if i had the tools and knowledge but im just not able to :confused:

so far my favorite option is this catio that i found on Amazon, ive included a general picture, one with measurements, and another highlighting the structures inside it:




ill be removing the fourth upper floor in the structure and adding in roosting spots for them since im sure another floor wont do them any good above their nesting boxes.

theres other water proofing and weather proofing id like to do on the inside like insulating and making sure pests dont get in.

i also spoke to some other people at a bird specialty store today that had a lot of great information so i think i have most of everything covered even if i didnt put it in here!

id also like to know if anyone thinks i would need a heating element in the winter? i live in the Bay Area in California so it doesnt get freezing cold but i still worry about their well being while living outside. my other concern obviously is heat, its a dry heat so im keeping a misting system in mind with this build and small fans inside the coop itself. electricity isnt a problem since the coop would be close to an outdoor outlet and against my townhouse.

thanks for reading if you have, so sorry if this is sort of jumbled!
Let me offer you some ideas, and opinions.
You live in Area that does not need any heat absolutely. You also do not need any misting system to provide moisture. You may opt for summer time misting during very hot weather. That would be in open area also referred to as run.
That ramp is way too steep for chickens. You need to place it to enter into enclosed coop area, where you have the proposed shelf that is about 16 ,,,18 inches from bottom. You would need to enclose that area. The area where the current pop door opening is at,, I would install window to allow daylight in.
In the top section you need to install much ventilation. Such ventilation is needed year round. It is well above chickens' heads, and does not stream drafts onto chickens.
Ask anything else you are not sure of... That is why we are here to help each other with answers and advice.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
googled and say this

And looking up, your area temps, at there hottest, are above there range, but not crazy so. Site has some tips for taking care of the heat. I'v also read somewhere that freezing a 2l bottle of water each night and putting in it the coop when you feed them in the morning can help. If theres a fan, you can make a cooler box AC (old cooler, cut one side to fit the fan, cut holes in the other to let air out, frozen ice inside) that might help. Just a guess idea, other people can say if they have tryed.

Don't think the coop needs much weatherproofing, the colds in your area aren't going to be an trouble for them. Mabey a little animal safe water sealant too keep the coop lasting for more years.

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