indoor chicken

  1. chickennl0ver

    broody chicken with crop problems, please help!

    backstory on pearls: she is a 4-year-old splash cochin, and she has currently been broody for around 2 weeks (this is her second time being broody this year and i am assuming the "cause" for these crop issues). so 2 days ago i noticed that my chicken pearls was having some issue with her crop...
  2. RandomAnarchy

    Tales of Azula the wonder chick, and her sister Ty Lee!

    @Debbie292d @WoDia This is a thread for updates on Azula, the chick that survived possible Marek's disease; and her sister Ty Lee! Azula was found at a local feed store panting and heaving, horrible respiratory distress. For about three days I had been syringe feeding her whenever her crop...
  3. Ruscul

    My 1 year old Serama roo becoming mean

    I have a Indoor Serama rooster as a pet and when I first got him I was living at my grandpa's and he was nice and sweet but when I moved back with my mom he has become increasingly aggressive, attacking my little brothers, mom dad and sister for no reason. And he doesn't attack me, I don't know...
  4. M

    Chicken as pet

    Chicken as pet, Hello new member here, I dont own chicken farm but I have a chicken pet that rescued from a cat who's about to enjoy its dinner. As for nowx I have 2 chickens. My father bought a hen for my rescued roo. I want to learn more about chickens specially how to take care of injuries...
  5. Ankaa

    Will Drano harm my indoor chicken?

    Hello, someone living with me used drano in the sink. I took her outside until they finished letting it sit and rinsed it out just to be safe. I share a wall with the room they used Drano in but I have all the fans going. I can’t open windows because they’re unfortunately sealed shut. I learned...
  6. Ankaa

    She has to be cuddled to go to sleep

    My EE pullet will not sleep if she isn’t cuddled until she falls asleep and then put back in her coop. It’s kind of endearing. Thought I’d share.
  7. Ankaa

    new guy

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes. I hatched and raised my first chicken in February of this year. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have one. She is my emotional support animal. (3) What breeds do you have? She is an Easter Egger. (4)...
  8. chickennl0ver

    Looking for the best diet for my indoor chicken!

    So I have a 3 year old indoor splash cochin and she is my absolute baby:love. I always try my best to make sure she is staying as healthy as possible but theres no limits to improvement. So I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions for better food than the one I’m using for her now...
  9. H

    Chicken being lethargic, help?

    For most of this week, my hen has been acting a bit unusual. My girl Max is an almost 6 year-old indoor Wellsummer hen. She lives indoors due to her previous flock abusing her to the point of borderline starvation. Normally, Max is energetic, obnoxious, talkative, curious, and a decent eater. I...
  10. TundraFang

    The Crooked Roost: I can't stop talking about my chickens!

    I started a flock thread before but no one posted on it so I'm trying again! I love talking about my chickens, I have over 120! I also love hearing about everyone else's flocks so join in! I just bought 8 new chickens and 2 still need names. Here's a Self Blue Ameraucana cockerel, any name...
  11. Amy_thechickenlady

    My old lady hen is slowly dying

    Hi everyone! I am normally not a poster, more of a reader of posts and comments to get answers to all my strange chicken questions. But my almost 11 year old hen, Nugget needs a community. I raised Nugget, a gold sex link from a chick and she was part of my original backyard flock of 4. All...
  12. CheepPeepers

    Indoor coop recommendations

    So one of my hens, tiny little Japanese bantam named Jafar, got attacked by what we'd been guessing was a hawk or crow a few weeks ago when the weather was nice, and we brought her indoors temporarily til she was healed. (She's fine, her eye was bruised and she had a small puncture wound on her...
  13. winglesschicken

    Raising a chicken to live indoors?

    I have a lot of mental health issues but I love chickens a lot. My mental health issues make it hard for me to go outside and interact with animals that have been living outside (although I still do, it's just challenging). Chickens are my favorite animals, my family has about 20 right now (+ a...
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