Can ducks really eat whole corn kernels?


9 Years
Feb 6, 2010
Hi there -

I have some dried whole corn (still on the cob) that I grew in the garden last year. It's a flour corn variety so the kernels are big and tough.

The storey's duck book says that you can give ducks cobs of corn (broken in two) and that the ducks will shell it themselves and eat it. I just have a hard time believing that ducks can digest those big tough kernels. Cracked corn I could believe, but whole dried corn? Really? Does anyone else feed their ducks whole corn?

My ducks get a balanced duck feed as well, the corn would just be for treats.

Mine love corn but I have never given them a dried cob.

I have given them ends of fresh corn cob , cut before I cook it, or they get left overs from frozen or canned corn.
Don't feed them too much corn. I heard too much of it is bad for their livers or something like that?
You heard WRONG look at the ingredient label of most prepared feeds and the Corn is there.
I have fed Flint corn (big flat kernnels)to ducks only to find it in their droppings almost unchanged I have had people tell me the same thing about un-popped pop corn but I never had any and didn't try that.
Iv been feeding my 6 ducks 2.5 gallons ( half a home depot bucket)
Every 3 days for over a month and they **** like babys and they love it
When they see me comming they start whistling if i grind it they will NOT eat it
It is out of the feild still on the stalks maybe when its real dry they wont eat it but its dry enuff
For me and my kids to shuck

Mark cogley

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