Does raising the humidity in your incubator cause the temperature to drop?


9 Years
Oct 27, 2014
Just north of Indianapolis
I searched all over and can't find the answer to this. I got the temperature just right in my homemade Styrofoam incubator, but humidity was low. So I added more water, and now the temperature went down.

I've been able to find all sorts of wonderful information on the forum, but not specifically the answer to this. Am I going to have to fiddle with the temperature every time I add water? (Thankfully I have a digital controller coming this week, but until it arrives...)
I searched all over and can't find the answer to this. I got the temperature just right in my homemade Styrofoam incubator, but humidity was low. So I added more water, and now the temperature went down.

I've been able to find all sorts of wonderful information on the forum, but not specifically the answer to this. Am I going to have to fiddle with the temperature every time I add water? (Thankfully I have a digital controller coming this week, but until it arrives...)
Yes, humidity and temps affect each other. When you are adding water if you add very warm water it will help with the temp not dropping as much. As your water dries up and your bator looses humidity your temps (if you don't have a thermostat controlled incubator) will start to rise as well. If I am not running dry during incubation, it's one of the ways I can tell I need to rewet my sponge- the temp will slowly start to increase. Usually though even if the temp drops a bit when you add water, once the water comes up to temp your incubator temps usually even back out.
Arg, so frustrated! My temp in my bator has been running steady at 99.5, chicks were moving yesterday, today appear to be dead. This is my second attempt in 1 week, same scenario. I took obviously fertilized eggs from my hens into the bator cuz I have s few egg eaters in the coop. Any suggestions?
Silly question but, if water runs out in incubator, will the eggs die?
No. I actually run dry the first 17 days of incubation as long as my humidity stays above 25% Humidity level doesn't "kill" the chicks. High humidity over the average of the incubation period will keep the egg from loosing enough moisture preventing the air cell from growing and at hatch the chicks have a higher probability of drowning due to the excess fluid- inability to pip into an air cell or pipping into the air cell and having the excess fluid leaking into it and aspirating on it.

Arg, so frustrated! My temp in my bator has been running steady at 99.5, chicks were moving yesterday, today appear to be dead. This is my second attempt in 1 week, same scenario. I took obviously fertilized eggs from my hens into the bator cuz I have s few egg eaters in the coop. Any suggestions?
What day are you on? What kind of incubator are you using? What is your humidity levels? Keep them in there and make sure before you toss.
Here's a good way to remember the link between temperature and humidity. Here in the semi-desert where I live, and in most of the desert states as well, we use evaporative coolers - otherwise known as "swampers", to cool our homes and buildings. These are large appliances which take a steady steam of water from a small tube, then pass that water over a rolling drum, and blow the moister, cooler air into the house via a large duct. By putting humidity INTO the air, our homes cool down.
When I need to add water to the incubator, I add warm/hot water this way the humidity goes up quickly and temperature does not drop. I noticed that cold water affects the inside temperature and humidity will take a while to go up.
Thank you. And thank you all! Tomorrow is lockdown and I was very worried about this because my humidity lowered and when I added water the temp went down a bit. I've been freaking out about the last three days since then. Very helpful advice here. Wish me luck!
Thank you. And thank you all! Tomorrow is lockdown and I was very worried about this because my humidity lowered and when I added water the temp went down a bit. I've been freaking out about the last three days since then. Very helpful advice here. Wish me luck!

Yes, adding water can drop temps, but it should come back up. One way to offset that is to add warm water. It's ok at lockdown/hatch to drop a couple degrees though, so don't worry. Good luck.

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