saving grace

Loving Life
Premium Feather Member
Feb 2, 2021
Hello, I've got another question about my Khaki Campbell hen who I've been having issues with. Here's a previous thread in which I put some of her details about her past, so I don't have to rewrite all of that.

In that thread I said she looked normal except for her shorter legs, but I don't know if it's just me making up things, but she seems stubbier now in general, and her back feathers are always a little puffed up. Again, not sure if she's always been like that or I've just been more observant lately. (I'll try to get some pictures of her next to her normal sister to show what I mean.)

Anyway, to the bathing part. Last year she had baths all the time with her sister in a kiddie pool and even in some black rubber tubs we fill up. Since winter she hasn't had a single bath. At first I thought it was because she couldn't get her legs up high enough to get in the pool, but it didn't really make sense since she can get into the coop just fine and it's a higher step up. I tried making wood plank ramps up to the pool, but I never saw her use it.

Today I finally tried a different technique and covered the ramp with dirt and sprinkled greens along it and into the water. It actually worked and she got into the pool, but a couple seconds later she got very upset and got out immediately!

She does love to dunk her head in the water and then preen herself, so that's good, but at this point I'm really confused.

She's still not laying, but still walks fine and everything. Does anyone have any ideas on what's going on?
Does she preen? usually preening comes after a bath. When you put her in water does the water run off or soak in. I can't imagine why a duck would not want to get into water.
Does she preen? usually preening comes after a bath. When you put her in water does the water run off or soak in. I can't imagine why a duck would not want to get into water.
Yes, I mentioned up there that she preens herself. She'll dunk her whole head in the water, and then clean her body with the dripping water. She seems quite efficient.

I'll try to get her in the water and see if the water soaks in, but she is very shy so it might be a little hard.

Through all my research I can't find a single person who has a duck acting like mine. It seems very odd.
Okay, some pics

This is my normal duck.

And here's the duck who won't bathe or lay. She just looks different in general. :confused:
She’s pretty duck. Maybe she has some genetic issues going on. It just doesn’t seem normal the way she is acting. Does she eat good?
Yeah, maybe it is genetics. I think she eats fine. Both the ducks don't like to eat their feed around me since they're so timid, but I do see them out foraging all day.

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