EE Gender help, please :-) Oops, maybe not EE after all!

or........ a Black Dorking (lays white eggs and can also have a rose comb
They're not as slender and flighty as Minorca's but.... they do have a 5th toe. If your hen only has the normal 4 toes, she's not a pure Black Dorking (which seem to be rare). (scroll down for black pullet)

from SandHill hatchery:

"Black Dorking (EB): A rare color that, in an effort to save it from drastic inbreeding, I crossed with other colors of Dorkings. We are getting both comb types (rose and single) and, while a predominent number are pure black, some off colors (principally dark gray and birchen) are showing up. Chicks $6.00 each (10) (SOLD OUT THROUGH 5/4/2010)"

But......... it could just be a mix between a white egg laying type of chicken and a rose combed type.
Thanks for the breed suggestions! I guess I will have to wait and see at this point how they develop and what color eggs they lay
I think the black one may be a Minorca cross. The close up of her comb looks like a cross. Not a true rose comb, nor a true pea comb. She's definitely NOT a Dorking, they have 5 toes, and she only has 4.

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