I am glad that you picked up an incubator that likely allows -any- ability to check without opening all the time :)
I would grab a pencil and quickly crack the lid and just make a line or an x on the “top” of the egg if you have not already marked it.
As the baby is getting into position / trying to hatch, the mark will “move” off the top and give you an idea that baby is still ok.
You can also check to see if it has internally pipped (see pic) with a strong small flashlight, or the flashlight on your smartphone- in a dark area. At this point, you probably won’t be able to see much else- just the air cell and hopefully a beak popping thru it 🤞😊

If things seem like they are going wrong...

Assisting is a somewhat controversial issue, but.... when someone here pointed out that most issues that require us to assist are caused by incubation issues, and, well, I may also be bias because I’ve had three c- sections....

I was happy that I stepped in.

My last batch had been peeping and wobbling, and seemed to be just getting less and less active with no external pipping and no “bruising” anywhere.
I candled them and could see movement but it looked odd compared to other hatches that we have had.

I am sure you will likely have the last one out in short order 💕 but I’m happy to talk about assisting and/ or safety holes if/ as needed 😊


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We opened the egg and the reason it wasn't coming out is because it was dry and it's beak is deformed aswell and it's under developed. it's head is also deformed. We are going to see what happens.
The previous one with the foot issue is doing good the one with a deformed skull and beat is still striving and is still little fighter🥺🥺 we are definitely going to have to work with him a lot. He can't eat on one side of his face because of his beak deformity. so we are going to try and slowly feed him on the other side but just liquefy his food 💖 we are calling him Wonky rn and I guess calling it a he lol
It is so sweet of you to give the little one a chance, I hope it all pays off and you get the reward of a happy healthy duckling. 🙏
My family and Me always try and give animals a chance no matter what unless they are actually in pain ofc then we will start thinking 💖 But we always try our best because we believe that every animal should have a chance to strive.

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