Humidity to low in a Janoel 48


6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Ramona, CA

I got a Janoel 48 incubator for Christmas. I just got it out to use it for the first time (now it is to late to return it). It will hold a steady 45% humidity but I can't get it to go any higher. I am just testing it right now. I live in a semi-arid region. I put a wet sponge in there but it only went up 1%. Any suggestions? I do not want to get to day 18 and not be able to increase the humidity.
Hi :welcome
Glad you could join the flock! First off I would reccomend you get another calibrated hygrometer to check the humidty reading. Plus another thermometer. Although they say calibrated/factory set they are sometimes not, its always best to double check with extras in the incubator. I had to with my first incubator as from brand new it was all wrong and my first batch of eggs was a total bust. Always better to be safe rather than sorry especially as humidity is major factor in the incubation process.

To increase humidity you need surface area of water and not depth. Adding sponges even more than one or a cloth to wick the water into to create the surface area should help. Also leaving the incubator to settle after adding more water/sponges/cloth should give it more chance for the humidty to increase.

Wishing you the best of luck and hope you enjoy BYC :frow
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I have the same one. I block one oh the vents on top of the lid to get my humidity up. A piece of tape works fine.

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