Integrating new birds


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Western North Carolina
I need some advice about these mid range babies that I have. My 'older' chicks are 12 weeks old, these little araucanas are about 8-10 weeks old, much smaller than my RIRs (2 hens and a roo) or the araucana roo, I really need to put these litle ones in with the bigger ones, but want to avoid blood shed. I have had the little ones in a modified brood box in the run for a week and a half now. Any aggression that I have observed as met with a squirt in the face of the aggressor with a squirt bottle of water. I think the little ones are 2 roos and pullet, they are getting too big for that little brood box, it has wire side panels, i was thinking about perhaps taking a panel out so that they can wander in and out, escape if a big one gets after them? The bigger guys can't get in through that opening, but the little ones can duck down and get through. I felt so bad last night the little guys were crying wanted to go in the house to roost, but i'm afraid to let them in with the bigger guys, but I feel so bad with them in that little box.

Any advice is so very much appreciated!
For mixing the 12 and 8-10 weekers, I would make sure they can see each other for a week or so. Put the smaller group in a dog kennel or such and put them right next to the other group. Next, slip everyone in together at night. Next morning make sure the door to the run is open early so no one gets cornered. The next (optional) step is to create a little chaos. This helped my girls; they forgot to hate on the new little girls with the Big Scary hand bumping around(they were 10 day olds and 2 day olds). Lastly is to monitor closely for a few days and remove any bullies for a day or two if required. Then repeat in a month or so with your established flock.

Hope this helps.
I have 3 ages of birds I was trying to integrate ... chicks with mama, 12 week old pullets and older girls. this is what I purchased for the pullets. I kept them in this for 2 weeks inside the run, then out side on the lawn with tarp over it. as they got bigger I opened it up and ran it across the pen so they had lots more room. ( this was the best thing I ever purchased. slowly I put the pullets and chicks and big girls out side to free range, they are doing wonderful and are all now sleeping roosting and eating together. they do peck on the 8 week old chicks at times, but not the big girls the pullets. but all seems to go well. I bought this for only 50.00. I see its going up in price. its very sturdy and I love it!!
So I have the mid-ranges in a brood has grated panels int he sides inside the run of my tractor, they have been in there over a week. So I will wait a few more days and try what you suggest, slipping them in at night. I love that pen idea and am going to have to do something in the next week or so for my new BO babies.
Ok so I did as suggested and have take the midranges out of the little pen, they have been in the pen with the bigger chicks for 2 days and they will NOT come out of the hen house! The roosters will amble up there and the little guys ignore them, but if one of the hens comes up they run and cower. They were huddling in a nesting box, but the hens really fussed at them, so they would jump up on the roost and huddle. Now every time a hen comes in, up on the roost in a huddle they go. But they refuse to go down in the run! I is so hot that I am worried about them. Any suggestions? LOL

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