My mother has officially lost it!

My stepson has cut off all ties with his mom. The only reason my stepdaughter still talks to her is because we are trying to take her last remaining child away from the whack job!! Once that occurs she will have nothing further to do with her.
I have to tell you that I had the same kind of relationship with my mother for many years. Finally I had had enough and I went to a local priest and asked him if it was okay that I didn't like my mother. He told me that it was okay not to like the person she was. (I was religious at that time)

I cut all ties with her for 4 years. We began to talk again, things got better and she became my best friend. I lost my mother in 1994. I miss her every single day of my life.

My mother was NEVER married, had 10 children by all kinds of different men, we grew up on welfare, she was an alcoholic, we were horribly abused, she pushed me down the stairs and broke both my wrists and I could go on and on here.

Push her away or step away. Leave it in your heart to possibly mend fences in the future. It may not be possible but then again, it may be like what happened with me, and you may find your best friend in your mother.

Good luck hun.

and I thot MY Mom was nuts. She just sent me an email sying she lost my address and #. I never gave them to her. My Dad used to say he was going to make her crazy and I guess he beat her in the head once too often. Funny- she has a high IQ, was jumped ahead 3 grades is smart when it comes to books but not 1 lick of commom sense. She says the most horrible insulting things to her kids and she isnt being mean.She's just "telling it like it is" I only see her at the occasional b-day party.My Dad is another story......
Same with my mom! Whenever I tell her something she just said was not very nice she responds with "That's not what I meant!" Yeah, sure. With my mom I really think that she is not trying to be mean, MOST of the time she is trying in her own crazy way to be helpful ... she just has a VERY skewed view of reality and thinks everything needs to be done her way or it is wrong. She actually had the nerve to tell me that we do not get along because we are too much alike, but that is okay ... I had the nerve to tell her that I was nothing like her. I fear that may not be entirely true though (I definitely tend to be very critical ... hopefully a behavior I can unlearn), that is one reason I do not plan on having any children. I am too afraid that I will become my mother and do nothing but make their lives miserable.

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