Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together



9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Hey Everybody,
I wanted to get some quail but I heard you can't put quail and chickens together. I live in the city and I don't have much space.... I can only build on big coop ( I only have 4 hens and I don't know how many quail I'm getting ). I wanted to split it in half so they don't kill each other, but I heard that diseases and other stuff can spread can you please tell me what to do... HERE IT MY COOP IM GOING TO BUILD.....


HELP... the coop is going to be a little bigger than that.
You answered the first question thats in the topic of this post..(marked in bold in the quote) and to answer the second... BUILD 2 PENS that are apart..No matter how many times or how you ask it.. the answer will always be the same.. quail and chickens should never be kept together or allowed to come into contact by ANY means.. Now, if you don't believe this to be a fact.. build your coop and put them in it.. (seems like thats what your going to do anyway) then when you post for help, I will recommend you kill all your sick birds and start over.. and the next time, keep them apart!
I have chickens, ducks, and Gambels Quail that free range together all the time. I haven't had any problems, Dani Quail sleeps in the tree under her roosters (yes rooster) wing. She thinks she's a chicken by the way. Since they aren't in pens in tight quarters together I don't know if it makes a difference or not. I hatched Japanese quail and chicks together that grew up together with no problem. I don't know what to tell you there really, other than try it if you want, it works or it doesn't and you learn from it.
I wasn't trying to be mean, but we have answered this question in about 100 posts in the last 3 months.. 2-3 of them posts was from you. If you believe we are misleading you, that is your choice... but my answer will never change. I feel that if you choose to put them together, you need to know the result that will most likely take less than one year.. and that is your quail will be sick, dead, or carry a deadly disease that will kill other quail that they are put with..
Not really, you ask the same question over and over again until you get an answer you like... Some hard headed people stick by their prideful opinion that quail and chickens can live together perfectly, while the people who have seen how bad coryza is try to warn people about it. Nine out of ten times the newbie listens to the nay-sayers and we never hear from them again. Trust me, coryza is horrible. I might have just lost some birds because a brooder wasn't sanitized. Oh well, If you want something done right do it yourself. Back to the original topic, please don't keep them together. It will only lead to a bunch of useless birds that can pass this disease down to their offspring. Here comes another quail war...
I wouldn't risk birds on it because I've had to deal with it myself... Just curious, when did you last add new blood to your chickens?

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