
  1. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    Does anyone know what could have happened here? Did he pull his own feathers or were they pulled by his coopmates? Our chickens are about 10 weeks old and we are pretty sure this one is the rooster, so we'd be especially surprised if the coopmates pecked him. Our chickens are on a remote hobby...
  2. R

    Rooster Psychology

    I've got suburban Los Angeles chickens, so this is another one of those questions that real farm people will probably laugh at. But we have 4 hens and an "accidental" half-bantam rooster that we took a liking to and decided to keep. But out of consideration for our neighbors, I take him out of...
  3. J

    Aggression mixing chickens

    Help needed. Trying to add back in three chickens that were attacked by the others but are now healed. I reduced the flock size cuz the aggression and feed was too much. Only two in the main coop right now. In a separate temp area I am holding tower hens 4 years old with a separated holding...
  4. Emily02037aj

    Domineering Hen

    Hello! I got heritage turkey hen whos being VERY domineering to me. I've done a lot of things but this is the second time she's actively went for my face, I like to think I understand turkey body language and behavior as far as my hens go; but I don't know what she wants:barnie for history she...
  5. Katakornchicks

    Rooster has rejected hen. How to get him to accept her

    Hi there. I have a 2 year old EE frizzle rooster who I love. He's very gentle with people and with his hens, and has been accepting to every new hen I put in his coop. However, I recently added 1 new hen that he doesn't like. The other hens seem to have accepted her, but he has not. She hides on...
  6. 5

    Aggression? Pecking order? Please help

    Hi All, I am new to having chickens and a bit concerned right now. I have 5 buff Orpington pullets that are 5 months old and all just started laying about a month ago. They have been together since they were chicks. In the past couple of weeks I've seen them being aggressive with each other in...
  7. M

    My two roosters goes berserk whenever they see me (my feet in particular).

    Hi. I am new to this platform and I hope I've reach the right audience to my current problem that's causing me stress lately regarding my two chickens. :) My chickens (both leghorns) are five months old now and whenever I go outside my house, the first thing they do is attack my feet. I now...
  8. Artchickenlover21

    Entire flock bullying one hen (and feather plucking?)

    It seems every day with my flock there's a new problem. This one is a really weird case. So recently we had bad snowy weather and I was unable to let the chickens out for a couple days. I didn't realize they were low on food and so a couple mornings in a row they were starving and I had to give...
  9. E

    how to deal with very aggresive baby chick??

    we got 2 dominant copper chicks today and they were fine the car ride home but when we put them in the brooder one of them started violently pecking the other. she started with just like little pecks to the bum but then she started biting hard and shed latch on and shake her head and wouldnt let...
  10. E

    Muscovy Duck Pecking and Chasing Smallest Duckling

    My female Muscovy is a first time mum and hatched out 15 ducklings over a week ago. Yesterday when I went to feed them one duckling was missing. My children found it hiding well away from its mum and siblings. When we took it back the mother started pecking it and chasing it away. It took refuge...
  11. centrarchid

    Pinless Peeper as Possible Management Tool for Aggressive Roosters

    Today I visited with a gal I hang with and got an introduction to her chickens. Her main rooster 007 is prone to attacking male humans. For some reason he did not go after me even though he did give subtle ques that he considered be a threat, Taking that into consideration and the frequent...
  12. C

    Female duck being aggressive to baby ducks

    Hi, one of my female buff ducks is trying to kill my other females babies. They are about a week old. The aggressive duck had babies but mysteriously only one survived, its about 3 weeks old. Now she is determined to kill my other females babies. Why is this?
  13. I_speak_the_truth

    Female keeps attacking male emu

    I got two pairs of emu last spring. Two sets of brother/sister. I want to avoid inbreeding so I have kept all four identified to make sure I separate them correctly into pairs. However, when they reached about a year old this spring they have started fighting. One of the males must be at the...
  14. B

    Muscovy duck trying to attack me?

    Originally I had gotten 2 muscovy ducklings at 2 days old. Unfortunately one died after a couple months of having them. But I had the female until she was over a year old. It did take me awhile to find another duck that I could get as a friend, but I managed to find an adult (age unknown) just...
  15. Stefankeyes

    Rooster attacking despite some advices followed

    Hi everyone. Second post of today. But this one a bit more serious. I have 3 chickens all hatched November 16th. 2 I know are hens But our white one in picture is a Roo. Dekalb White I believe his breed to be, I have tried some advice from online for behavior aggression issues over the past...
  16. Poultry Whisperer

    Who's the head of your pecking order?

    I'll go first. Out of my chickens, the leader of the pecking order is a Blue Americana hen named Grey. She will be five years old next month. She's one of my favorites and her story is quite interesting I think. During her youth, she was quite a personality. She was raised with another Blue...
  17. jk116

    Integrated flock aggression- help!!

    Hello- I’ve had backyard chickens going on about 8 years now. I’ve got 3 different ages of hens (no roosters) in my flock but the last integration I did was about 2 or 3 years ago so nothing has really changed with my girls. There are 7 total and they have a large enclosure and 5 nesting boxes...
  18. P

    Female quail turned into a bully after reintroduction - help!

    Hi! I'm brand new here but have used other people's questions as resources for my quail and chickens for a while. I just can't find any answers to my particular problem, so I thought I would register and turn to you all for help. First off, I have three cotturnix quail hens in a decently large...
  19. Chickens_321

    Aggressive Rooster

    Hi everyone! So my family and I got a rooster about 2-3 months ago? We integrated him into the group of three hens that we had and everything was fine. He seemed to avoid us and was timid which we took to be simply because we didn't raise him like we did the hens who love to run up to us and...
  20. AvianBrain

    Dominant Mallard bantam hen won't let Call drake breed her and attacks him when he breeds other hens.

    My nearly three year old Mallard bantam still won't allow the blue fawn drake I introduce to them two weeks ago to breed any of the female ducks. He breeds the mallard hen he came with, and attempts to force the rouen hen to copulate (this rouen is the absolute best friend of my dominant mallard...
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