bumblefoot healing

  1. C

    Bumblefoot healing process [pics]

    I can’t find any photos of what healing Bumblefoot looks like. It’s been two weeks since I removed the black scab off both feet of these two ladies. The scab seems dark brown for the most part. One lady still has some redness I’ve read that some people say “healed in 5 days!” Is it normal to be...
  2. C

    How to treat this? Is it Bumblefoot?

    Hi community, Last night I noticed a black spot on each of my hen's feet. I called the vet but she isn't available until next month. Do you know what is this? If it's Bumblefoot, what stage would it be? I could try to address it if it's stage 1 or 2 but wouldn't feel comfortable if I have to...
  3. tanchick

    Bumblefoot surgery not walking

    Hi guys Hoping someone with experience can help and calm my chicken loving nerves One of my girls I discovered on Saturday limping. Checked her feet and it’s the dreaded bumblefoot. Been doing lots of research so have been Epsom salt bathing everyday twice a day, using Vetericyn, iodine, saline...
  4. Saaniya

    2.8 Year Chronic Bumblefoot Success Story — Healed Completely In 30 Days Treatment

    Bumblefoot is a B*** in my case one of my rooster facing bumblefoot issue since the age of 6months we changed our old home in and it become worse since then , pus , scab and hard black pointy portion around the scab tried almost everything written on internet , feel so bad watching him limping...
  5. L

    Bumblefoot Post Surgery

    Hi All, One of my ducks Lilly had developed some swelling around her toe which turned out to be bumblefoot (pic 1). Lilly was taken to the vet and the bumblefoot was drained/removed and her foot wrapped. It has been 6 days since then and she has developed a new black scab. Is this normal or...
  6. 6

    Bumblefoot Aftermath

    Hello again! So, I just thought I'd ask, to be proactive. Over the last year, I have been battling bumblefoot with my hens. I had to do many mini 'surgeries' to drain the bumblefoot, then I would use hen healer ointments/sprays and wrap their feet/foot. Around 4 months ago, two of my hens...
  7. L

    Bumblefoot Healing

    Hi everyone - I performed bumblefoot surgery on two of my hens the other day. I did a ton of research and watched numerous videos beforehand, but this is my first illness since I got my hens 4 years ago and so I'm not confident in my chicken doctoring skills. I was able to get the plug and...
  8. 6


    I have heard many different opinions on whether to use or not use Baytril 2.5% or Baytril 10% to help cure a recurring and swollen bumblefoot. Question 1: Is Baytril SAFE for hens and, after a 2 week egg dumping/withdrawal period, can I eat the eggs from my treated hens? Question 2: If I...
  9. NatureGirl74

    Is the bumblefoot healing

    One hen and one roo had bumble foot on both feet. We started with surgery on one foot each. The roos toe healed up completely and the hen's foot was looking really good so we decided to do their other feet. I'm not sure whether or not the hen is healing. Her foot from before started to get a...
  10. NatureGirl74

    Is this bumblefoot healing

    Both my roos and 3 of my hens have bumblefoot. 3 of them have it on both feet. We did surgery on 1 foot of 3 birds since we didn't know exactly what we were doing. None of the 3 had a kernel. They had small plugs attached to the scab, but no kernel. The 2 roos had a little pus in it, but the hen...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Never-ending Battle with Low-grade Bumblefoot

    My almost 2 y/o GLW is prone to annual bouts of bumblefoot, usually beginning in the winter of each year. Last winter we didn't catch it until it had severely progressed (we were new to chicken-keeping and didn't even know what bumblefoot was at the time). Luckily, a vet ended up performing...
  12. Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Science and treatment for bumblefoot (footpad dermatitis)

    Bumblefoot is a condition that can affect all domestic foul despite breed or age. It may be a scary sight. But fear not! For your fluffy gal (or roo) will get better in no time. All vocab words will be bolded at the bottom of the article to better help readers understand! Bumblefoot: What is...
  13. K

    Hen recovered from Bumblefoot AND egg yolk peritonitis

    Hi folks, Glad to be here and just wanted to share the miraculous recovery of our hen Cleo. I explain the story in the video but a few things I didn't mention that I want to clarify: 1. After her bumblefoot surgery, she seemed ok, but then she stopped laying and her whole body swelled up...
  14. TxChickenGeek

    How to help a chicken in quarantine rejoin flock

    Hello. This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am hoping someone has some advice for me. I have a chicken being treated for bumblefoot. She has to be separated from the rest of the flock to keep her on a different bedding to try to keep the wound cleaner as it heals. I have her in a...
  15. lavenderforluck

    Bumblefoot Advice

    Our 9 month old Oliver Egger, Fern developed bumblefoot just over a week ago. Upon first inspection she had the telltale black spot on the pad of her foot and swelling between two of her toes. This is our first case of bumblefoot and I believe a thorn caused it. We regularly clean our coop and...
  16. UrbanHenKW123

    Bumblefoot healing

    Hey guys! So I have a question about bumblefoot - I originally treated it about 6 weeks ago (dug out the infection, foot soak, polysporin, wrapped the foot for a week etc). Two of my girls had it on both feet. Their feet no longer seem red or swollen, but the scabs are there on 3 of the 4 feet I...
  17. C


    We are chicken newbies. One of our girls has bumblefoot. I followed instructions, soaked the foot, removed the scab, cleaned it, used antibiotic ointment and today when we changed the dressing, it looks like she has a red line starting up her leg. Maybe I didn't get everything out, I don't...
  18. L

    is this bumblefoot!?- desperate need for help

    My duck has been walking with a bad limp for a while now and it started off with the middle toe being swollen and a scab (I think it was black but with her dark skin it's hard to tell). I put her on anti-biotics (in her water) for a week. No effect. I went on holiday for two weeks and when I...
  19. S

    Did i treat this bumblefoot?

    my duck suddenly stopped walking about 4 days ago, after a few clicks on Google and looking at his feet all I could come up with was bumblefoot. I called all the vets in town, no one would see him.. And i was very hesitant on how to treat him.. I soak his feet im epsom salt water and peeled the...
  20. henfriend1998


    my meek little Agnes (a seven month old silver laced wyandotte hen) has had a persistent case of bumblefoot and a limp for a while. she was separated (still in the coop, just in a hutch with straw and water, they could see her the entire time) to heal and rest. unfortunately, now that shes being...
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