
  1. jen61871

    Bantam breed?

    I got Chicks-bantam from tractor supply for a dollar each because they are "old" at 3-4 weeks. They could not tell me the breeds though. Can somebody tell me the breed of these two Chicks? Thanks so much! Jennifer
  2. S

    Lethargic chick with heavy laboured breathing

    Hi all Posting on behalf of my father. He hatched a small brood of chickens and they seem to be doing great. They are in the greenhouse with the ability to roam and scratch around but still have a lamp and warm safe spot to sleep. We had a bad storm here last night and looks like their water...
  3. C

    Need help…hen or rooster…?

    Any ideas? It is a four week old Golden Laced Wyandotte and I thought it was a pullet but now I’m thinking maybe rooster?
  4. A


    I have 11 2 wk old silkie chicks...I hatched them myself and purchased the eggs them from an awesome well known breeder. I intend to reach out to her and ask ifs she's seen this behavior before but you all our my saving grace and always so helpful. I noticed this head weaving a couple times...
  5. FlockFinderWest

    Sick, lethargic week old chick. Help

    On Friday I picked up two bantam frizzle chicks. I got them at delivery so they were only 2-3 days old. Everything was fine and they were both active and eating until Saturday night where I noticed my yellow chick was having watery diarrhea. Since then she has not improved and is sleeping a lot...
  6. C

    Question About Chick

    Hello! I have a chick that I’m not 100% sure what breed she is, I’d love it if someone could tell me! Also, I’m sure curious as to what color she is going to be when she is older, does anyone have a picture of what she would potentially look like (color wise) as an adult?
  7. C

    Mille Fleur D’Uccle Quality

    Hello! I was just wondering if anyone has experience with Wilco’s chicks, if they are quality? I have a mille fleur d’uccle and I was wondering if it will be any different because I got it from Wilco versus another type of hatchery. I’m not sure if my question makes sense 😅
  8. S

    Help! Are these duck eggs fertilized!

    Help! Are my duck eggs fertilized??! I have one drake and the rest are hens I cracked these open because I read in Google you can tell. I still can’t tell. Anyone have advice??
  9. Genesis Farms

    3 day old chick hatched with watery eyes?

    We have a flock of 11 gold deathlayers, all of whom don’t exhibit any signs of illness. We recently started hatching small clutches to test their egg fertility and so far it’s been going great! However on our latest batch that hatched a couple days days ago, one of the chicks came out of the...
  10. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Hi all, I had a broody hatch out 5 chicks, and one was still in the egg a day after the rest. Because momma is flighty and was already taking breaks off the nest, I took this one inside and popped it in the incubator hoping it would finish the hatch. I ended up having to assist the hatch, but...
  11. A

    Limping chick

    Hi all, Really hoping to get some advice/reassurance for my 3 week old chick. When cleaning their box last week, I forgot to include the non-slip mat flooring, and just put pine shavings down. The next day, my beautiful chick was lying on her side and limping. I looked at her leg and saw one leg...
  12. Z

    Buff Orpington

    Hello! Not new to chicken raising in general (variety of mutts at former workplace) but finally new to having my own chickens at home! I acquired 2 welsummers, 2 brown leghorns (I'll not know the difference between those four until their earlobes change), and 2 buff orpingtons from a local feed...
  13. Australorpfamily

    Buff Brahma as they grow

    We finally found Buff Brahmas at our local TSC(Hoover's) and got four "premium pullets" (yes yes there's a reason it's in quotes lol) We brought them home March 2nd (with an Easter Egger) They are housed with four rowdy olive eggers who are a week older lol I swear they think they are song...
  14. RoosterJuice

    Can I mix medicated and non-medicated chick starter?

    Hello all, I incubated local eggs and bought non-medicated chick starter for the chicks. They hatched 3 days ago and three have died so I started doing more research about the feed. I want to switch to medicated feed but I have this massive bag of non-medicated? Can I mix it? Or should I save...
  15. N

    Someone help! I don’t know what I’m doing!

    So last night my family came home with 8 WILD EGGS! I don’t remember where they said they found them but it was covered in dirt. We tried candling it before realizing we have no clue on what means what when candling. My cousin decided to open one very slightly. It was only a small crack. That’s...
  16. Australorpfamily

    Survivor: tale of crushed hatchling

    Following the story of our Survivor. Backstory, Mama Noisy Girl went broody and we got her some Easter Egger eggs, yay! Thursday, March 14, we had some severe weather, and when I got home from work, I checked on eggs and noticed one had been crushed. I could hear a cheep, and honestly didn't...
  17. M

    Baby Chick Grasping For Air

    Good day to everyone! In the attached links, is my baby chick. Since yesterday, I felt something off with it. And today, it started doing this grasping for air motion like once every 15 seconds. I've taking good care of it, feeding it according to a veterinarian. And it's been with me for 4...
  18. SphinxGrim

    HELP! Chick is not doing well at All.

    I have 9 chicks in total the 1 I'm referring to is a Lavender Orphintan who is not doing well. They recently have started refusing food or water so I'm using a syringe to feed them. They are a quarter size of the others I have. They can't walk and I noticed 1 of there leg joint seems swollen and...
  19. B

    Amaracauna Chick

    I got my first amaracauna chick today from my local feed store any guesses on what type I got and if it's a boy or girl
  20. T

    Playing hen or roo with Delawares

    Got two Delawares a few weeks ago, just curious if anyone has thoughts on this one’s gender. I don’t know exactly how old they are, I’m guessing they were about a week old when I brought them home which would put them around four weeks now. I only put pictures of one because the other won’t pose...
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