egg bound

  1. M

    My chicken is egg bound for 4 days

    It’s been 95* in San Diego for the last week. I found my 3yr old rhode island red wobbling and eventually dropping to the floor by the water. I brought her in the house and fed her food and water with electrolytes. After a few hours, she stood up and did the penguin stance. She was either...
  2. BerthaBoo

    Help! Egg Bound Pullet struggling to get her first egg out

    Hi all, I have a pullet (21 weeks) whose been straining for a few days now, but she was able to defecate, so I wasn't entirely sure if she was egg bound or not, especially because she hasn't started laying yet. Today I saw her straining and saw the egg. I have her in the bath with epsom salts...
  3. Ashleys backyard farm

    HELP! Chicken crouch walking!?

    I have a barred rock that is about 20 weeks old. She has developed this odd type of crouch walking. Looks like the equivalent of army crawling, but for chickens. I thought maybe she was egg bound so I gloved up and put petroleum jelly on my finger and inserted it into the vent about two inches...
  4. A

    Need help with stuck old egg

    Took my 2yo Buff Orpington to the vet to get checked out. She hadn't laid an egg since fall. She quit when everyone else did for the winter but never restarted with the others come spring. She laid an old egg one day, vet confirmed that it had probably been in there for awhile. He took an xray...
  5. E


    Help!! Our Easter Egger is just over 6 months old. She had started laying eggs in the middle of April we haven’t gotten one from her in several weeks. We weren’t sure if it was because we removed the place she was laying (she was flying the fence and going into our yard). Over the last week or...
  6. divineangel94


    SORRY FOR THE LONG POST BUT ITS URGENT. NEED HELP. So, I had a hen who had an egg break inside of her last week and took her to the vet. He gave me antibiotics to give for 3 weeks and meloxicam to give for 5 days. The meloxicam was up Monday. My mom had passed away so I couldn't keep her...
  7. K

    Egg bound, vent gleet, motility problem story

    I’m sharing my story in hopes that it will help someone else if they have something similar happen. I don’t know the ending yet, but I have some things that I’ve learned along the way that I wish I’d known early on. Our Khaki Campbell, Goldie started having trouble a little over a month ago...
  8. M

    Egg bound day 2 with two eggs

    Hello, I’ve read a lot of posts and looking for more guidance. I have an almost 3 year old bantam silkie hen on day 2 of being egg bound. Yesterday did numerous epsom salt baths, Vaseline, dark room, drinking eating well, no lethargy. She has been eating and drinking well today. Continued baths...
  9. HatCo

    Egg bound or something else? Im a new chicken mama... pls help!

    I believe I have egg bound orpington. She cant fly up to the roost anymore. She is close to year and half old. She is lethargic, hasnt laid (at least since the day vefore yesterday). We have tried warm bath with epsom salts, cooking oil on vent and tums crushed given orally with syringe. Here...
  10. L

    Head down, eyes closed, tail down! Help!

    Hey y’all! New to chickens here I could use your help! This chicken is less than a year old and around lunch time I noticed she was standing still head down eyes closed tail slightly pointed down, looks like she is experiencing some type of discomfort. Because of the poop (pictured) I thought it...
  11. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else???

    My hen has been waddling around, tail feathers down, and laying down every chance she can. She hasn’t laid in at least 26 hours. I thought she might be egg bound, but I just gloved up and felt around in her vent and can not feel an egg. There is a rather large round sack kind of between her...
  12. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else?

    One of my buff orpingtons is acting weird today. Her tail is down and it seems like she’s shuffling around to walk, not going super far, and laying down every chance she can. When she is laying it seems like she’s trying to squeeze something out so I’m thinking she may be egg bound, however she...
  13. C

    Hen [2 yrs.] acting egg bound, but no sign of an egg for 3 days

    One of our hens—Joan Snow—(turning 3 in May) has started taking on the characteristics of being egg bound in the past week. She waddles like a penguin, is constantly flexing her vent as if she is trying to lay, but no egg can be found. We've read up and tried many of the remedies offered for...
  14. kanami

    my hen dropped dead :(

    i was at work today, went on my break to see one of my younger siblings texted me from home saying one of our chickens wasn’t responding, i called and they were freaking out. so my mother went outside and was digging a hole in the yard when in her peripheral vision she saw a bird just hit the...
  15. T

    5 days… no egg

    My 10 month old hen started laying about 3 weeks ago. Over the past month she’s been on and off been cared for with a comb injury (she laid her first egg during this time), then bullying, then sour crop! At first she was laying regularly but once she got sour crop she laid 1x and that was it…...
  16. A

    Infrequent egg laying

    I'm a first time chicken owner and it seems like there is ALWAYS so much to learn! I have one rooster (total accident) and 4 hens, 2 of which have started laying recently. The first hen to lay has brown eggs, which started out small and have increased in size and frequency (every other day and...
  17. P

    Possible Ectopic egg, xray provided

    I have a 2 year old Silkie chicken. She laid a crushed shell weeks ago then went into a molt. I scheduled a vet appointment for 2 weeks later. She started laying again 3 days ago, the next day I took her to a vet since I had the appointment and was worried she might have an infection or egg...
  18. warmnfluffy

    Chicken is egg bound or severely constipated pleas help!!!!!

    My chicken ginger looks to be egg bound and hasn't layer anything in 2 days I've been checking on her but today here health declined severely and now she is gasping for air. I feel like I've tried everything to help her pass the egg but nothing has worked. The reason i think it also could be...
  19. R

    Hen passed away from possible lash egg or Egg Yolk Peritonitis

    Hi there I’m new to this chicken thing and I had a hen pass away yesterday. Two weeks ago I found her with a very poopy bum which I thought may have been vent gleet. I bathed and soaked her bum and all seemed to be well. Two days ago on Sunday I noticed her behaving oddly and not really lo ring...
  20. B

    Any help on egg bound hen please !

    Hello My 7 month old Silkie started laying last month, I’m not sure if she began laying too young. She laid an egg last night and was fine this morning she was fluffed up and it looked like her breathing was laboured with her tail up and down, she wouldn’t eat and her crop had not fully...
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