
  1. L

    Legbar? Leghorn? Mix?

    Does anyone know whether this is a mix or a pure breed of legbar/leghorn/cream crested legbar? On the Internet I can't find exactly similar roosters from these breeds, is it a mix?
  2. cluck queen

    Black copper maran roo x RIR

    I've ordered 1 maran roo and 25 rir to just have a fun experiment 😀. I'm looking to breed a more frequent layer of dark brown eggs. I know some have done this but I'm curious about egg color. Does anyone have any photos?
  3. AJ916

    Cackle Bantam Easter Egger

    I have this gorgeous Bantam Easter Egger I got from a Bantam Assortment from Cackle Hatchery. I’ve posted about her before asking for help figuring out her coloring and genetics, and from what I got as answers she looks like a splash. Now I know Easter Eggers are most of the time made from...
  4. WhistlePig

    Is my Muscovy hen a cross breed? How can I tell and does that make her infertile??

    I am brand new to Muscovy ducks and only have one at the moment: When my drake lost his mate I thought I'd get him another and a nearby Craigslist post led me to a flock of muscovy ducks. I assess the seller as a nice enough person and it all seemed innocent BUT... he showed me his flock of...
  5. D

    New to this duck raising

    Good day, well I’m new to this. I’m not quite sure how to use this but I’m gonna give it a shot. I hv property in a small town in Washington state. I am close to water way. Across the street from me. So with that said I shave a large pond feed by underground springs. And it is full all year...
  6. Pufna

    Cross chicks feather faster than pure bred?

    As someone who just started raising pure bred chicks this year I noticed that all of my pure bred chicks (orpington, barred rocks, wyandotte) got feathered a lot slower than all of my mutts/crosses. Is that the case for those of you who also raised pure bred and crossed/mutt chicks?
  7. TundraFang

    My Egg Pipped!

    I'm just super excited so I made a thread! My girls just stared laying and I popped one egg in the bator and it pipped this morning! It's from my Sapphire Olive Egger (she doesn't lay green eggs but oh well) and most likely my White Japanese Bantam. It's pipped at the wrong end but I've had eggs...
  8. MageofMist

    Little Sickly Banty

    Just got this gal after someone advertised online about needing to rehome her as her flockmates died, first the rooster and then her hen-friend. Looks to be a polish cross? Tinny has scaley leg mites from the looks of it and a bit of a wheeze to her breathing, so she had a bath with Johnson's...
  9. RosyChickens

    Are they silkies?

    an acquaintance said they had some silkies and I had been looking for some, so we met up and I got three little chicks. I was surprised to hear that both parents were black given the coloring of the chicks… and on closer inspections once I got home I realized only one had black skin, but they do...
  10. KikiDeAnime

    How long to leave ducklings with them?

    In 2 weeks, ducklings will be hatching. I plan on selling them but I was hoping to keep them a few days to make sure that they're healthy enough to go to new homes. We have 3 chickens sitting on all duck eggs. Before anyone jumps at me for thinking of selling them, we have no room for any more...
  11. KikiDeAnime

    Show me your candled dead week old eggs (Duck eggs)

    I know this might disturb some people but I need to compare to an egg that I'm suspicious of. As of tomorrow, it will have been 1 week since incubation started. The rest of the eggs are looking great but there's this one that's really throwing me off so I would like to compare it to know if it's...
  12. KikiDeAnime

    KC/Cayuga Hatching Adventure

    I'll be buying 12 KC/Cayuga hatching eggs to put underneath our broody hen on Monday. The lady has both breed drakes with the ducks so I could have mostly mixed with possibly pure. Probably all mixed but it doesn't matter to me as I will be selling all ducklings a few days after they hatch...
  13. KikiDeAnime

    Broody hen...again

    Mouse, our 4yr bantam cochin/silkie mix, has gone broody again. This was the hen that was supposed to raise Lil Quack when they hatched 2 weeks ago but rejected them an hour after they hatched. ( A day after they hatched ) She becomes determined once she's completely broody so I'm trying to...
  14. KikiDeAnime

    Hatching process has begun!!

    I woke up 2 hours ago so I apologize if my wording isn't correct. Not sure when it actually started but when I went to lock up the birds for the night, I decided to check underneath Mouse to see how the egg was doing. While I was candling it, I saw the internal pip! I quickly but carefully...
  15. KikiDeAnime

    Happy 4th Birthday Nyx!! (Cat)

    Hard to believe it's already been 4 years since she was born underneath my bed. She had been an surprise. Saved me from my dark place and in turn I continue keeping her safe. Her mother Spooky was my family's outside mouser so don't come at me about why she wasn't spayed. I've never had a say...
  16. ChickChic00

    What Breed is this rooster

    He doesn't have any feather feet, he looks almost like a wyandotte to me but the way his feathers are is confusing me, I know he is probably mixed or something. Just need some help identifying what breeds he is mixed with. Thanks in advance!!
  17. KikiDeAnime

    Advice needed (My cat)

    Copied from another of my posts: "For those who do not know, my parents are semi-living with my grandmother due to her memory issues and the fact that she can't live alone. Recently they've been having me come stay the night so that I can be with her during the day while my parents are at work...
  18. HomesteaderWife

    All About Hummingbirds - Resources, Videos, & More!

  19. K

    6 week old lavender Americana and buff/light Brahma, hen or roo?

    This is my 6 week old lavender Americana and a light/buff Brahma mix. I think roos but let me know and hopefully I’m wrong!!
  20. PioneerChicks

    Barnyard Mixes Chat Thread

    I love barnyard mixes! They are so unpredictable and unique! Some people think they are a pain when they are trying to breed purebreds, which can be true, but I love them all the same. So please join and chat with me about your mixes! This is your chance to brag! All mixed-breeds welcome...
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