
  1. C

    Please help! Slipped tendon too far gone?

    https://ibb.co/zfyzxqs https://ibb.co/Jy0dtWk https://ibb.co/ZJQNCBz this baby is about 24 hours old. I fear she has a slip tendon or rotated femur. She constantly gets stuck on her back and has lots of trouble eating and drinking without complete assistance. I’m worried she’s in pain as she...
  2. A

    Quail mixing

    I know you are supposed to mix different types of quail, but I’m wondering if I can mix some female coturnix quail with my flock of 4 female and 2 male bobwhite quail? I’m not sure if there’s going to be any issues since I’ll only be adding females. The bobwhites are quite docile.
  3. T

    I’m new too!

    Hi everyone, My name is Lisa. I’m in California and I have about 30 Coturnix quail. I’ve been raising them for a little over two years now. I’m a new member but not new to the site. I’ve had a lot of questions and concerns about my quail over the past 2 years and I have been fortunate enough...
  4. ellieV03

    Natural incubation in button quails

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on here because I need some insight from someone more experienced than me in this "field". I have two button quails (male and female), they are now a little over two years old, but just about 6 days ago the female became broody. She kind of tried in the past...
  5. M


    Hey guys. I’m moving and i need a home for these guys quick. Theyre around 6-8 weeks
  6. E

    What is wrong with my quails foot?

    Hi!! New to quails. I’ve noticed these last few days my quail is slowing down and saw this on her foot. Not sure what to do :( please advise - no farm vets near by.
  7. C

    Quail Foot injury

    Hi I’m new to keeping quail. This morning my dog got out and tried to jump on the quail cage. Unfortunately one of my quails was injured. She seems to be walking around ok I have her in a cardboard box in the bathroom. Her foot looks swollen. There was blood on the cage but I wasn’t able to see...
  8. Lhynes1478

    Bobwhite quail air sacs day 4 candleing?

    I am new to hatching bobwhite quail eggs. I thought this whole hatch was going to be a dud because they took 4 days to arrive in mail and it was freezing out in Alaska. I’m seeing development at 4 days of incubation in almost all 43 eggs after setting for 24hrs. I’m curious if I should be seeing...
  9. E

    What should I Feed Quail Chicks

    My 13 Coturnix Quail chicks are going to hatch in a couple days and I am wondering what I should feed them. I have a 20% Organic and Non-medicated chicken chick starter and I have a 36% poultry supplement. I could mix those together to meet their protein requirements. I also have some chia seeds...
  10. E

    Best Incubators for Beginners

    Looking for my first egg incubator to hatch quail eggs. I am willing to pay more if I will have a good survival rate. It will be my first time incubating eggs (quail eggs) and I don’t want anything too hard to use. I also am not at home all the time, so maybe one with an egg turner. Thanks!
  11. E

    What to Feed Quail

    Hey, I can’t find any organic quail feed in Canada. What should I feed laying quails and what should I feed pet quails? I found an organic non-medicated chick stater that is 20% protein. I want to feed them organic feed. Thanks in advance!
  12. E

    How Many Eggs do California Quail Lay a Year

    How many eggs do California Quail lay a year? Do they lay all year long? At what age do they stop laying? Has anyone let their California Quail hen hatch her eggs herself also? Thanks in advance!
  13. Y

    Help! Quail w/ eye issue

    Hello! A few days ago my hen kept closing her left eye. A few days later a white film grew on her eye. Any ideas of possible ailments?(and treatment) I separated her from my other quails for the moment. Pictures provided below :)
  14. Ravennaly

    do males fight at all?

    i’ve recently gotten some quail… i’m unsure if the males will fight over females or not. i do have two males so i’m wondering if i should split them up at some point. thank youu!! i’m pretty sure i have coturnix quail too (idk if that changes the answer or not)
  15. E

    Thinking of getting quails!!

    Hi everyone! What kind of quails do you prefer and why? Show me your set-up!! Thanks!
  16. Y

    Quail chick with eyelid problem?

    Hello! I just recently started hatching quails. I hatched a quail with some sort of eye problem, not sure if it was genetic. Both eyes are affected, it’s not as active as the other chicks and it cannot detect that there is food nearby.(possibly blind?) I’ve been putting ointment on both eyes and...
  17. T

    Weird brown stuff appearing outside of pip

    Recently, I just got into hatching my own quail. Since I have never done this before, I am of course nervous and worried for the babies on the way. It is day 18 and all of the eggs that pipped looked normal except one. One egg has strange crusty brown substance covering the pip. Should I be...
  18. CoturnixQuailLady

    Hi from CoturnixQuailLady

    Hi Everyone, I'm newly joining BYC and am excited to be a part of the community. I started raising quail about a year ago and am hooked! I currently have about 30 coturnix quail that are raised in coops in my backyard. I love quail because I have have them in my suburban backyard, the eggs...
  19. TurkeyTheQuail

    Drawing your birds

    I've been practicing drawing chickens and quail recently so if you'd like to have your birds drawn post pictures here :D all birds welcome!
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