
  1. G

    Rehome 2 roasters and one hen

    Hello, my mom has 2 roosters and one hen that are looking for a new home. The hen is laying one egg per day. The roosters get along quite well actually. They free range but in our county chickens are not allowed without a permit and you have to have a minimum of 2 acres which she just found out...
  2. J

    The rooster gang

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No but recently got back into having some roosters. We got our roosters about 6 months ago (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 roosters (3) What breeds do you have? Silkie, Onagadori, svarthona, and three I'm unsure of...
  3. Sharon67

    Six roosters in need of re-homing in Mansfield, CT.

    Hello, I have six roosters in need of re-homing. They are all young and in great health - excellent health to be accurate! I ended up with far too many roosters and these guys need a new home ASAP.
  4. J


    Hi all! I'm hoping you can help me out. I know I have one rooster for sure, but I think I may have two more. If you could help me identify them, and if indeed they are roosters, I would appreciate it tons! I'm fairly new to chickens, especially roosters. If the other two are indeed roosters...
  5. Chick_Jimin


    Hello, my 5 month rooster recently got a flu. He has a runny nose and makes noise while breathing. I can't go out to buy him something to cure it. Is there anything I can do to help him? If I give him garlic will that help?
  6. demonic

    Is there a certain way chickens like to roost that doesn’t match my coop?

    I built a coop into one of my backyard sheds for my 5 hens a few weeks to a month ago, and obviously they would have trouble adjusting. they would fall off the roosting bars and basically slept everywhere but the roosting bars. However, nowadays I realize they do know how to get on it, but don’t...
  7. sunnyflockraiser

    Too many roosters?!

    Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. :D So this year we hatched some chicks, four to be exact. We have two hens and two roosters from the hatch. I love all of them dearly!:love We have seven adult hens that are mixed ages. I have run into a little dilemma though. :barnie I am afraid if I...
  8. Happy Henny

    Share your stories of your amazing roosters!

    Hi, I have a lot of cute stories of my chickens but the one that stands out the most is the story of my Black Ameraucana rooster, named Dotty. So, It was evening time so we went outside to close the chickens in. We had already closed in all of the coops except for the "Big Old Coop" as we...
  9. shannon84

    Rooster is picking on one hen and attacking her bullying her!!

    I got this big buff Cochin rooster about a little over a year ago. I put him with my old remaining hen and they hit it off just fine. But I gave him two new white hens and now he picks on the old hen and attacks her won’t let her eat or roost! Wth is going on?! He has always been a good natured...
  10. Calamus

    Questions About Sexing, Culling, and Integrating

    At the moment, I have six chickens, all thirteen weeks old (hatched 4/20): I am certain that two are pullets, and I believe that the remaining four are roos. I am positive about three males that have consistently exhibited cocky attributes and behaviors, but I’m not completely sure about the...
  11. S


    We have 19 hens and two roosters. One is dominant and the other is lame (I actually saved him but his foot is club but he does great). They do well together as the lame one runs when Alpha pecks him so they have things nicely worked out. A friend got four babies for a photo shoot then asked us...
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