➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Oooh, I love autumn amber. I have a gold Manchurian and ssc tuxedo that are my two favorites in my group. I should probably put them together at some point
I have some SSC as well. That is the one I could not remember for the life of me. I have all of mine together and cannot wait to get fertile eggs. It will be such a surprise to what hatches.
So I opened the remaining 24 eggs today. I had 7 with any development: 4 that quit early, 1 quit halfway through and 2 just recover hatched.

One of the ones that never hatched in glad didn't. It has all sorts of problems it looked like. Horrible scissorbeak and I think maybe a hernia? It had the normal yolk ask but then it also had a red sack as well sticking out of it's abdomen.

One of the eggs with nothing was odd though. It has a air cell almost 2/3 od the egg and the yolk looked like a cutie orange slice. Same texture, size and constancy. The membrane was all hard as well.
I know it’s not a quail but I wanted to ask here as I’m so confused!

So, today is day 17 of Silkie eggs I’m incubating. They’re coming off the turner tomorrow for lockdown so I candled tonight to look for quitters as you do.

Four of them looked like my diagram I’ve drawn here as I never got photos:


Of course, this isn’t how a day 17 egg should look so I took them out.

Except when I cracked one of them, out pops a live chick and I feel awful.

Three of them had definitely quit, you can also see them on the photo with the chick.


I’m super confused as to how all four of these eggs looked exactly the same when I candled them yet there was a live chick in one of them.

All the other viable eggs left in the incubator are full to the brim and very dark, I can see no yolk at all.

I feel so bad that I’ve went and killed this chick but I’m really confused as to how it looked the way it did yet still be alive and viable 🤷‍♀️

Anyone else ever had this happen?
I’ve only incubated twice now but I usually just look for movement in the egg rather than paying much attention to the air cell. That’s probably wrong but I figure the chick’s either alive or it’s not. If I’m not sure, I’ll leave it in a little longer. Some you can tell right away they quit but sometimes they might just be sleeping or malpostitioned or whatever. With my quail I had one where the air cell was on the small end but it still hatched. :) in your case, perhaps you have a cool spot in the incubator or the egg was younger or something and a bit behind in development???
I know it’s not a quail but I wanted to ask here as I’m so confused!

So, today is day 17 of Silkie eggs I’m incubating. They’re coming off the turner tomorrow for lockdown so I candled tonight to look for quitters as you do.

Four of them looked like my diagram I’ve drawn here as I never got photos:

View attachment 2196629

Of course, this isn’t how a day 17 egg should look so I took them out.

Except when I cracked one of them, out pops a live chick and I feel awful.

Three of them had definitely quit, you can also see them on the photo with the chick.

I’m super confused as to how all four of these eggs looked exactly the same when I candled them yet there was a live chick in one of them.

All the other viable eggs left in the incubator are full to the brim and very dark, I can see no yolk at all.

I feel so bad that I’ve went and killed this chick but I’m really confused as to how it looked the way it did yet still be alive and viable 🤷‍♀️

Anyone else ever had this happen?
I’m so sorry... Were all the eggs from the same chicken? Were all the eggs in the same location in the incubator?
There was no movement visible when I candled the egg, I usually go off that too. It was just a dark band around the middle off the egg, clear at both sides of it.

The chick wasn’t underdeveloped, it was developed enough to be a day 17 chick which is what’s confused me as to why it was squashed into such a small part of the egg 😕

These eggs were from posted eggs so some of the eggs will have been from the same bird but not all of them. Their air cells weren’t detached either.

All the eggs have been in the same incubator, temperature is running correct. It’s my first time using an upright incubator though, I usually use flat ones.

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